Refreshing Rest

Backstory: My wife collects Coca~Cola stuff, I made her a Coke Collector room in the house... coke red walls, white trim, all her posters and tin signs on walls, nic-nacs on the shelves...... etc. This room also happens to be where I make my magic come alive..... (shared passions I guess... :lust :rofl)
Anyhoo, I had one of my shots on the wall above the PC, and she says... "it must come down as it does not match the decor... if it's not coca~cola, it won't do!" :nono
Sooooooo, I decided to do a print just for her. After a couple months shopping the antique stores, I found six 1944 unopened bottles of coca~cola and borrowed another person's wooden coke six pack holder.... After talking with a friend of my brothers who has a vintage 1949 Ford N tractor and his buddy who has property with a vinyard.... Voila! The only piece that's missing is a 3rd friends mint vintage 1945 Ford Truck..... :cry
Anyhoo, I had to shoot the post and bottles separate from the tractor due to no post being on the property, I greenscreened that in, but before I did, I used OnOne Effects software to get the bokeh he way I wanted to, then used the greenscreen software to put the coke bottles in, then processed the rest in LR.... C&C is welcome, but I like the outcome..... Oh, and the ugly farmer is yours truly....:wink
Anyhoo, I had one of my shots on the wall above the PC, and she says... "it must come down as it does not match the decor... if it's not coca~cola, it won't do!" :nono
Sooooooo, I decided to do a print just for her. After a couple months shopping the antique stores, I found six 1944 unopened bottles of coca~cola and borrowed another person's wooden coke six pack holder.... After talking with a friend of my brothers who has a vintage 1949 Ford N tractor and his buddy who has property with a vinyard.... Voila! The only piece that's missing is a 3rd friends mint vintage 1945 Ford Truck..... :cry
Anyhoo, I had to shoot the post and bottles separate from the tractor due to no post being on the property, I greenscreened that in, but before I did, I used OnOne Effects software to get the bokeh he way I wanted to, then used the greenscreen software to put the coke bottles in, then processed the rest in LR.... C&C is welcome, but I like the outcome..... Oh, and the ugly farmer is yours truly....:wink

Lee Wiren