Workaround for missing "randomw-play-gallery-slideshow" feature
I reported the missing random play feature for the gallery-slideshow here... Still no change on that.
After i got some feedback from friends i tried to create a workaround for that missing feature. If some one is interested, here is how i solved it for myself:
First of all i created an empty page with a slideshow gallery widget which plays photos from the selected gallery... in random order.
I changed the layout to "Stretchy" and disabled all margins. Then i added a CSS content block to customize the slideshow:
The HTML-Content block also needs some CSS:
I was using "CUSTOMIZE SITE" and made the gallery individual. I added a HTML-content block:
Now i just needed to disable the original gallery-slideshow button for this gallery only (i don't mind about my other galleries right now and will keep the default slideshow on these galleries for now)
Bonus feature: The slideshow shows title+captions.
Works for me...but hopefully SM will finally add the "Play random" feature to the default slideshow gallery. If you are interested: here is the gallery. Feedback is welcome.
After i got some feedback from friends i tried to create a workaround for that missing feature. If some one is interested, here is how i solved it for myself:
First of all i created an empty page with a slideshow gallery widget which plays photos from the selected gallery... in random order.
I changed the layout to "Stretchy" and disabled all margins. Then i added a CSS content block to customize the slideshow:
/* Disable scrollbar */ body { overflow:hidden; } /* Disable pinned header */ .sm-page-layout-region-header { display:none!important; } /* Change background color */ .sm-page-layout { background-color:black; } /* background color for navigation icons next/previous */ .sm-slideshow-nav button { background-color: rgba(40, 46, 50, 0.65)!important; } .sm-button-skin-default .sm-fonticon { color:rgba(200,200,200,0.6)!important } .sm-button-skin-default:hover .sm-fonticon { color:rgba(255,255,255,1.0)!important; font-weight:bold; }For the slideshow widget i disabled the expand and play buttons, i just enabled the navigation-buttons. Since there is no "X" to exit the slideshow if it plays i added a HTML-content block:
<div class="EXIT"> <a href="[B][COLOR=Red]***LINK***[/COLOR][/B]" title="Exit slideshow"> <div class="sm-button sm-button-size-large sm-button-skin-default sm-button-nochrome"> <p>X</p> </div> </a> </div>***LINK*** points to the original gallery which is in collage landscape format.
The HTML-Content block also needs some CSS:
/* ================================================ = Format "Back to top"-button = ================================================ */ .EXIT { opacity: .3; -moz-opacity: .3; -webkit-opacity: .3; z-index: 9999!important; } .EXIT:hover { opacity: 1.0; -moz-opacity: 1.0; -webkit-opacity: 1.0; } .sm-fonticon { color: white!important; } .EXIT p { font-size: 2em!important; color: white!important; padding: 0.1em; } .EXIT a { background-color: rgba(175, 170, 210, 0.7)!important; border-radius: 6px; position: absolute; top: .5em; right: .5em; } .EXIT a:hover { background-color: rgba(40, 46, 50, 0.65)!important; -webkit-border-radius: 6px; -moz-border-radius: 6px; }The random slideshow is now created, i just need to point the gallery to my custom slideshow instead to play the default gallery slideshow which does not support random play.
I was using "CUSTOMIZE SITE" and made the gallery individual. I added a HTML-content block:
<div class="random_slideshow" style="text-align: right;"> <a href="[B][COLOR="Red"]***LINK***[/COLOR][/B]"> <p class="sm-gallery-slideshow-button"> <span class="sm-button sm-button-size-small sm-button-skin-default" data-value="slideshow">SLIDESHOW</span> </p> </a> </div>***LINK*** points to the custom slideshow page.
Now i just needed to disable the original gallery-slideshow button for this gallery only (i don't mind about my other galleries right now and will keep the default slideshow on these galleries for now)
.sm-gallery-headerbuttons .sm-gallery-slideshow-button { display: none!important; }If someone is now visiting my gallery and pushes the "SLIDESHOW" button he will be redirected to my custom random-play-slideshow. If the guest is using the "X" in the upper right corner he will be redirected back to the original gallery.
Bonus feature: The slideshow shows title+captions.
Works for me...but hopefully SM will finally add the "Play random" feature to the default slideshow gallery. If you are interested: here is the gallery. Feedback is welcome.