"Save For Later" Vs "Discard Changes"
Please would someone help me here... I started tinkering with my site and played with a different look for my homepage.
I ran out of time, so selected "save for later". I went back into it the following day and made more changes, but decided not to publish the page, so I selected "discard changes".
By selecting 'discard', I would have thought that the changes that I had been toying with would have been lost. Now if I go into 'Customise Site" although not published, the changes are still there.
How do I revert the customise tool to reflect the published site?
I ran out of time, so selected "save for later". I went back into it the following day and made more changes, but decided not to publish the page, so I selected "discard changes".
By selecting 'discard', I would have thought that the changes that I had been toying with would have been lost. Now if I go into 'Customise Site" although not published, the changes are still there.
How do I revert the customise tool to reflect the published site?
Discard changes only applies to unsaved changes. Any progress you've saved via the "save for later" option is always kept unless you were to use the revert arrow that's showing next to the section you're currently customizing in the customize panel on the side. You can see it in the screenshot just above the "Make the design yours" section here.
SmugMug Support Hero
On a similar topic, I have a gallery set to "Make this gallery custom" and have made some customizations to it. I wanted to see what the page would look like if I set it back to "all galleries." After looking I did not want to keep the change back to "all galleries" so I clicked discard changes. The changes took place anyway. Why?
Changing over to "all galleries" won't do anything to the custom gallery as this simply changes over to the "all galleries" section allowing you to make changes to that.
And I just tested that when you select "make this gallery custom", click on "all galleries" and done > discard changes, no custom gallery settings were saved.
SmugMug Support Hero
I clicked the "x" to just take a look at the gallery uncustomized. Then selected discard changes when I clicked "done." The change to "non-custom" took effect anyway.
SmugMug Support Hero
Sorry, maybe I'm not being clear. I did not want to save the change of removing the custom gallery setting... It saved anyway even after selecting discard changes.
When you said, "On a similar topic, I have a gallery set to "Make this gallery custom" and have made some customizations to it. I wanted to see what the page would look like if I set it back to "all galleries." After looking I did not want to keep the change back to "all galleries" so I clicked discard changes. The changes took place anyway. Why"
What happened is that setting it back to all galleries was a permanent save.
Then when you looked at it, IF you had done some other kind of edit at that time, the "discard" option would have disgarded that. Since you didn't do anything but look, "disgard" really didn't do anything.
What you experienced tells me that users may not be aware that clicking "revert to all galleries" is unreversable. Maybe a nice hover message, "removing customizations will be permanent" or something like that...
One other little bit about saving customizations... Done this quite a few times:
- open up a long-existing standard gallery and begin to add customizations to it
- opps, but I had not first chosen "make this gallery custom"
What are my options if the gallery should indeed be custom?
- First publish to All Galleries. (Because if, after having already added some customizing, you click "make this gallery custom", the new customizations you added will disappear and you'll start over.)
- Your entire site now has the customizations that were intended for one gallery only. First fix is to open that one gallery, select "make this gallery custom", save and publish.
- Open Customize again, and in All Galleries, remove the customization blocks that don't belong there. Save/publish.
Using this series of steps, you won't have to re-do the customization for the one gallery block at all.
If I want to temporary remove the "Just this ...". I copy the CSS into a text file first.
remove the "just this.." by hitting the "x". Then publish
Going back in click "make this ..." and add back in the CSS block.
Takes a couple steps but easy when you get the hang of it.
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Yes, my method applies when one has created several different content blocks that would just be time-consuming to re-make.