
This statue, by Derbyshire artist Denis O’Connor, is dedicated to the people who built the canals, is situated at the Ribble Link where the new canal leading to the River Ribble joins the old Lancaster Canal at Cottam, near Preston. It's a newly designed statue to replace the Gauging the Ripple statue, and believe it or not, this cost £30,000.


It looks like a large pile of "poop". The "poop" designation was used by news papers and critics and is accurate.
The cost $500,000.00!!!!!!!!!!
Not to worry though, everyone involved got to keep their jobs, pensions, and any loose change that found it's way into their pockets.
I think one thing that is dividing opinion in my city is that in age of cutbacks by our council, they splash out this money on a piece of art that is simply that to most. Just art. It depicts the workers' tools in the days ahead of modern industry and that is what the artist is trying to impress upon the viewing public. But should Preston have spent the money in a better way?
Link to my personal website: http://www.pauliddon.co.uk
Here in America and even in the Peoples Republic of California there a few wacky folks who would like to see those who are funding (paying taxes) government have some say in how those funds are spent.
Enough dreaming, back to the real world.