Pages Not Showing on My Website
I was making some modifications to my website this morning and I did something wrong so now my pages don't show.
For example, under my Client and Misc galleries I have 4 folders and numerous pages. The folders show but the pages do not. On my "Portfolio" page none of the pages show. You can see the pages that should show when logged in and look at the organizer.
I caused the problem working on one of my folders and I deleted a box. I was adding a descriptive field and in doing so I wanted to tighten up the appearance at the top.
Thank you in advance for your support.
For example, under my Client and Misc galleries I have 4 folders and numerous pages. The folders show but the pages do not. On my "Portfolio" page none of the pages show. You can see the pages that should show when logged in and look at the organizer.
I caused the problem working on one of my folders and I deleted a box. I was adding a descriptive field and in doing so I wanted to tighten up the appearance at the top.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Try adding a 'folder, galleries and page" content box so pages will also show.
Or add all three kinds of boxes. Only those with contents will show to visitors.
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Thank you for your reply but I'm afraid I'm not following you. I have a "folder, galleries and page" box. I think the problem may be I have added a "Galleries" box in front of it so my page doesn't show. I can see how to delete the "Galleries" box. There is no wrench on it. Maybe I'm not supposed to delete it. I tried to move the "folder, galleries and page" box up but it won't move.
What type of page is this? A folder, gallery or page?
In the flyout what is highlighted? Does "make this ? custom" show? What's the "?" say?
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Bottom line, my Galleries do not show.
Thank you for your patience and support.
The type of content box will only show that type in box.
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I've spent almost two hours on this and I know the fix must be simple.
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Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
I logged out and viewed. No galleries.
I logged back in and clicked on "Customize Site" and "Publish Now" again. No galleries.