New Slideshow Transition Options

Who wants more options with the way your photos translate in a slideshow? You? Good! Cause we just added a bunch!
These new transitions are selectable in both the Slideshow content block as well as the background slideshow. Give em a try and let us know what you think!
These new transitions are selectable in both the Slideshow content block as well as the background slideshow. Give em a try and let us know what you think!

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Hi Allen, can you provide a screenshot of what you are describing?
Photo Blog
pick something.
Pausing mouse and drop disappears it fills choice box with what was under mouse. Mostly when slide
changes. Very erratic. Sometimes transition does change when this happens, maybe 1 out of four.
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Hey Allen, I am still confused as to what you are describing. Can you include a screen cast video?
Photo Blog
When the slide changes I lose the drop and whatever is under the pointer appears in the top. But the
transition does not change to it. Only clicking is to open the drop then just sliding the mouse.
Edit: can't get to it to show. Oops html off for this forum. Will try in video and link back here.
<iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="640" height="360" src=""></iframe>
Edit: See
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I was excited to see this headline, but disappointed to see that they don't apply to the full-screen slideshow that's embedded in the SmugMug style gallery. Any chance that this will be editable any time in the near future?
And while we're at it, is there any chance that the SmugMug gallery style will someday have the option to have one row of thumbnails UNDER the pictures or to change the number of thumbnail rows adjacent to the pictures? Now that would really make my day.
Tickled Pixels
Tickled Pixels Blog: "A walk in Gamla stan, the old town of Stockholm"
Oh boy, I can't wait!
Thanks for the quick response,
Heya Sara! Brian got this added yesterday. Try it out and let us know what you think!
Photo Blog
I would love to try it out but I can't figure out how to select the embedded slideshow for customization. Where are the customization options? When have a gallery page open then go to Customize Site/All Galleries and click on the gallery content block wrench then all that comes up is the Gallery Styles register and in the SmugMug gallery the only option is the space between thumbnails (another sore point of mine...).
What am I missing? Are we talking about the same thing?
Thanks for the help.
It doesn't appear that the effects of the slideshow button in a gallery is included in this change.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
At any rate, I'd still like to hear if and when we will be able to make changes to the EMBEDDED slideshow in the SMUGMUG STYLE gallery (don't mean to shout, I just want to make myself perfectly clear).
BTW Denise, I always appreciate reading your helpful posts - thanks for taking the time!
Any more news on the possibility of editing the embedded slideshow??? This seems like a long overdue toolset.
Cheers, Sara
Tickled Pixels
Tickled Pixels Blog: "A walk in Gamla stan, the old town of Stockholm"
Hello all,
Today I had a very pleasant surprise. I opened a slideshow in a SmugMug style gallery and poof! there were captions. As far as I can remember this was not working before and I don't know when it started to function like this. Here, click on the slideshow button in any gallery and you will see that captions show up in the lower left corner of every picture. And it was an interesting challenge to set separate title/caption text attributes for the gallery, lightbox and slideshow.
Here's how I (presume I) got it to work:
- pick any gallery and set it to Slideshow style
- open Customize
- change the parameters of the slideshow gallery to your taste (captions, transitions, etc.)
- save changes and publish
- reset the gallery to previous style
In addition I customized the slideshow caption and title text using the following code im my gallery-level custom css.Hope this helps someone else.
Has anyone else noticed this behaviour? Was it mentioned and did I miss it?
There was an announcement in December: . I followed the link you gave but I don't see any captions displaying while playing the slideshow.
Tickled Pixels
Tickled Pixels Blog: "A walk in Gamla stan, the old town of Stockholm"
Ah, I missed it because I only read DGRIN and not the SM feature request page. Since the thread was here, I thought it would be followed up here, nut I guess that was too much to expect!
Interesting that the captions didn't show up for you... what browser/OS are you using? I'm using Windows 8.1 64-bit and tested it in IE11, Firefox and Chrome and they show up in all three browsers. White text on the picture background. Hmmm, looks like I'll have to do some more testing. Thanks for the feedback.
Tickled Pixels
Tickled Pixels Blog: "A walk in Gamla stan, the old town of Stockholm"
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
BTW, I was browsing through your pictures of France ( I do love France!) and noticed another strangeness - while in the slideshow or lightbox, no amout of clicks on the X in the upper corner closed the window. And the pointer did turn into a hand, but it just didn't close. Only pressing esc brought me back to the gallery.
It would be a lot easier if the sm classes were documented - I spent hours with the code inspector yesterday!
I started to go through the exercise of documenting all the class names but it became very confusing because the documentation needs to maintain the hierarchy of which classes are siblings of other classes. In many instances we use these "parent" and "child" relationships to drill down and write CSS code that only affects one section without affecting the other. For example: we may use ".sm-tile" in many places. It could be part of ".sm-gallery" or it could be part of ".sm-slideshow". If we only wanted to affect the tiles (photos) within galleries we need to know that it's ".sm-gallery .sm-tile".
Being able to use the inspector is a great skill to have and one that I'm sure will get faster as you become more familiar with it! I learned this all by doing the same thing you're doing ... fiddling with my site
With that said, the support heroes and I (and many of the other awesome dgrinners here) are more than happy to help out if you ever need any assistance finding class names!
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Thanks for the heads up on this Sara. I had installed one of Sherlock's tweaks to make the left and right navigational buttons operational over the full height of the photo and not just where the arrows are. Once I removed the tweak clicking on the X now exits both the slideshow and lightbox.
Tickled Pixels
Tickled Pixels Blog: "A walk in Gamla stan, the old town of Stockholm"