Baseball Not a Very Dangerous Sport





Lately, most of my time for photo shooting and processing have been taken over by shooting my kid's sports and posting a website for other parents. So I decided to try to begin to capture other images that are more interesting to me while at the events. This set is from one tournament where there were two separate injuries-one requiring an ambulance call. #4 thrown in for fun.




Lately, most of my time for photo shooting and processing have been taken over by shooting my kid's sports and posting a website for other parents. So I decided to try to begin to capture other images that are more interesting to me while at the events. This set is from one tournament where there were two separate injuries-one requiring an ambulance call. #4 thrown in for fun.
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
Jack, Kid got hit in head by a ball thrown to tag him at third. He was awake and talking to the EMS crew but certainly needed check-in at hospital for concussion.
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
Ian, Maybe that was what happened to the pitcher in #3. I didn't see either accident as they were on adjacent fields to the one I was watching.
Thanks for looking.