Update "download all" zip file
Hi, I'm still on legacy smugmug and often use the download all feature.
But one issue I've just come across: I've created the link, and after that, I uploaded some edited photos. The "Download all" link is now immediate and still contains the old versions.
How can I delete that and force Smugmug to create a new version of the zip file that contains the latest edits? I hope I don't have to wait for the 2-week expiry!
Edited to add that the gallery now shows the updated photos, the thumbnails are correct, so everything is bang up to date on the viewing side, it's just the downloadable version that's wrong.
But one issue I've just come across: I've created the link, and after that, I uploaded some edited photos. The "Download all" link is now immediate and still contains the old versions.
How can I delete that and force Smugmug to create a new version of the zip file that contains the latest edits? I hope I don't have to wait for the 2-week expiry!
Edited to add that the gallery now shows the updated photos, the thumbnails are correct, so everything is bang up to date on the viewing side, it's just the downloadable version that's wrong.
You can simply generate a new link using the Download All feature again
I hope this helps! If you would have any further questions, please let us know!
SmugMug Support Hero | My website: www.beabird.net
Thanks for your quick reply. I tried the Download All feature, but that just gives me an instant download zip file from my browser. It doesn't trigger the creation process in the background and email me with the link once done.
I'll send you an email so you can regenerate, but I'd hope I wouldn't have to do this each time - the system should detect that photos have changed so any previously generated zip file is no longer valid and needs re-creating.
Smugsite: http://photos.xavimages.co.uk - Blogsite: http://www.xavimages.co.uk
Should all be sorted, I'll just have to be more patient in the future!
Smugsite: http://photos.xavimages.co.uk - Blogsite: http://www.xavimages.co.uk