Old Barns
Continuing my efforts to document as many old farm buildings as I can, these new finds were located as I drifted through southern Virginia and northern North Carolina.

The old boy who owns this spread was quite interesting. He's 91 years old and still tills the land. His wife is too frail to help so he handles all the chores himself. He didn't have much formal education but he's plenty sharp. He uses this old barn to store hay. He's not sure, but figures the barn to be over 100 years old. These two images are of the same barn.

When the old barns start leaning too much, they just start propping them up with support logs. I've seen many you couldn't pay me to go into, but they're still in use.

The old boy who owns this spread was quite interesting. He's 91 years old and still tills the land. His wife is too frail to help so he handles all the chores himself. He didn't have much formal education but he's plenty sharp. He uses this old barn to store hay. He's not sure, but figures the barn to be over 100 years old. These two images are of the same barn.

When the old barns start leaning too much, they just start propping them up with support logs. I've seen many you couldn't pay me to go into, but they're still in use.

I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Thanks, Steve, for the visit. I'm trying to document as many of these things as I can....so many of them are being torn down for the old, weathered wood. Several of my all-time favorites have already fallen prey to the wood scavengers. I've got close to 400 documented so far....taken me quite a while.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Like beginning of a fairy tale.......
Well done Tom!
Hey Jack,
I appreciate the comment....I think the "nostalgia" angle is one of the primary forces that drives my interest in these old buildings. I came home last week. Got away with a month up there. I dreaded coming back to the heat and humidity in Florida.
Take care, buddy,
Thanks, Taz. It's good to hear from you and I appreciate your support.
Take care,
Cheers, Richard.
Yes, Richard, these old barns cause one to reflect on a time when America was a much simpler environment....not as rushed, focused on greatness.
Take care,