Little Red Schoolhouse
Tucked way back in a mountain hollow, is an iconic reminder of a time long gone. This schoolhouse was in constant use from 1870 to 1941.

I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Cheers, Richard.
Thanks for looking in, Cristóbal. It's finds like this that keep me trudging through the mountains and hollows of the Appalachians.
Take care my friend,
I've been told, Taz, that when this school opened it had a grand total of three students. Formal education was a little slow developing in the Appalachians.
Take care,
Fortunately, Richard, the members of a local church have, through the years, sought to preserve the heritage of this old school. The roof of the building was spruced up a couple of years ago. Considering that the thing is over 143 years old, their maintenance program has been very effective. The sides of the building are scheduled for care and painting next year. One of the early " graduates " of this school went on to become a minister and it was his initial efforts that set in motion the maintenance program that exists to this day.
I hope you're doing well,
Boy, Mary, I'd love to hear some of the stories your Granny could tell. Every now and then, I run across someone who can tell stories about the old buildings I find. Fortunately, such was the case with this old schoolhouse.
Take care,
Hey John,
I know you're up in those mountains every now and then. I'd sure like to see your take on some of the old farm buildings you run across.
BTW, I had hoped to rope you into joining Darlene and I for several days on our last trip up there. However, I got invaded by family from California and Wisconsin and by friends from Philadelphia. It was a zoo. I may miss making a trip for Fall colors this year, but, if not, I'll give you a heads -up call.
Take care,
I know I sound like a broken record. but the greenery back-there is a marvel to me!
Thanks for sharing!
I hear you, Eric. I've been thumping around those mountains for over 30 years. There's always been, of course, an abundance of green to the trees. Last year, though, the fresh Summer growth brought an array of hues and intensities to the greens in trees and plants that was truly exceptional. The same thing happened this year. The greens up there are breathtaking....from the lowest blade of grass to the tallest trees.
See ya,
It must have been exiting for you to have been one of the first three kids to go to school there!
As usual, nice job on the image.
Thanks, pard. Hope you're enjoying the road.
BTW...In case you've never been told, the ' Road Gods ' don't like it when folks make fun of others. One of the God's favorite forms of retribution for the offenders is to bestow upon their vehicle a bunch of flat tires...can't be too much fun in a motorhome. Better shape up.
Stay safe,
Lauren Blackwell
Hi gal,
I can see an old wood-burning stove over in a corner. Judging by the location of the stovepipe, though, I think the stove, when in use, was more centered in the room. I can see only two old desks but there's a big pile of stuff I can't get a clear view of. I'm hoping one day to be able to go to touch base with that church group that maintains the place.
See ya,