Cover Photo
For the longest time I had a cover photo which showed up just like the rest of my high res photos on the site, it was clear and sharp. I wanted to change it and actually deleted it from my folder , I than uploaded a new photo and set it as my Cover Photo and it was god awful, all pixelated and really poor looking but yet its a high res photo. So I than deleted it and tried just choosing a photo from one of my galleries and still it looks not up to par. Did something change , is there a certain size and dimension I need to make the photo to use as my Cover Photo?
Perhaps their CSS that shrinks, resizes and fits is causing the problem.
BTW, I saw little difference between the XL and cover photo.
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I am baffled , I tried using original size photo which is high res, tried using xxl, xl, large etc it just looks like crap now compared to the one I had set in there for the longest time . And that one I deleted out of the folder but even trying that exact photo also doesnt look like it did when I had it in there .
I also emailed smugmug two days ago and never got a reply yet.
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I did not make it into a pano, it's resizing itself when I choose the photo for the cover photo. Thats why I am wondering if there is a certain dimension that window is so I can maybe crop the image to those specs . I don't know what is happening now since I had my other photo in there that was in there for almost a year now , I decide to change it and poof something not right now.
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If you need anything else, please let us know.
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SmugMug Support Hero
I also set it to original size and tried it but the same thing seems to be happening so I went back to my default limit size for that gallery.
weird ok i just went back and set it to original again and now it looks like it suppose to, but i know i tried that earlier and it didnt. But is there any way to set that one pic to original and not the others in that folder , or do I need to make a new folder for that specific pic only.