Seascapes - 4 Mile Beach

This '4-mile-beach' is located at a distance of about 4 miles from Santa Cruz, CA, but not sure that is how it got its name. At this time of the year, angle of the sun was not ideal for sunset for this location, but did catch a good one.
All criticism and helpful pointers are cherished! Below are my attempts:






All criticism and helpful pointers are cherished! Below are my attempts:







Is #6 a different white balance of 5 and shutter speed?
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
Thanks Phil! Ran to the spot and caught last golden light for #5. Literally moments later that light was no more, and for some time, sun was gone. Then with slightly different comp (mainly because I accidentally bumped by tripod:D) I did a long exposure. For #6 is exposure time is 259 seconds with 10-stop ND. Cheers!
Take care,
Thanks Tom! Your kind words and encouragement prevents me from chucking the gear in the ocean! Have a great weekend my friend!
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Thanks Alex!!!
K-d0g has some ideas but nothing is final, maybe we can all get together!
I'm in, just need to make sure the date works. Be nice if we can meet some place in middle. Maybe somewhere along the central coast like SLO but I'm open to anything. Let me know what you guys are thinking.
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An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
Over all nice work!
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Thanks Jack! Much appreciated!
Thanks Sam! Its a good location and lot of colors came out but sun and colors were not lining up with all the photographable elements. Intend to hit coast more often to learn it. This was the first time I went to this location. Time of the year also makes difference as Sun would set in different position. With all that in mind I hope to get better alignment with light and subject! Cheers!
Thanks Mike! It is about 15 minutes from the board walk. My apple maps finds it right away when I type 4 mile beach and I followed the directions and it got me exactly to the parking area that is off of the highway. I really liked this spot because it is less busy than the Panther beach and less gnarly of a descent and lot of interesting elements! If we ever had a bright morning, this place would be a gold mine facing the other way! Cheers!
Is it difficult to go down to the beach? I have trouble with mobility. I can walk, but my knees can't bend.
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It is a gentle flat, wide and downhill incline to the beach and of course uphill on the way up.
The elements that are interesting to photograph will be going left for little bit once you get to the beach.
There are about 2 rocky steps that need to be over come to reach the area where I was. They are nicely lined up and nothing crazy, but are bout 3-4 feet high but hand holds are available and I used my palm because I carry camera attached to my tri-pod. Rest is sandy beach.
Hope you enjoy it! Cheers!
Sounds doable too me. Thanks for the beta!
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Thanks Boco! Zeer gewaardeerd! Ik begrijp lange blootstelling zijn niet aangenaam voor iedereen. Ik ben het experimenteren. Cheers!
Wish I lived closer to the ocean for these types of shots.
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
Thanks Evan! Sierras and Death Valley are not bad consolation prizes!:D
Thanks roaddog! Much appreciated!!
You do have an enviable way with seascapes.
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Thanks Lee! Much appreciated!!
Thanks bro! We missed the super moon!:cry! Next year then!
14-24 24-70 70-200mm (vr2)
85 and 50 1.4
45 PC and sb910 x2