Geo Tagged photos not mapped???

Hi I just uploaded geotagged photos to this gallery and none of the photos show up on the map, when I click the "Info" button it says "No Map Data" I have the mapping feature turned on for the gallery and I used the Smugmug uploader from Lightroom 5.6 to upload the photos. In Lightroom I can see the gps coordinates in the metadata and the photos appear on the map in Lightroom. Any ideas why the photos aren't mapping on Smugmug?
I just viewed the location data in that gallery, and none of the images are tagged. The good news? If they're all from the same location, you can use the tool in your organizer to tag them all at once.
Just select the gallery in your organizer, so the images appear on the right. Select All, or the images you want to tag, and click the wrench. Find Location Data, and select it. You can add the tags to all of your images there.
I hope that helps!
SmugMug Support Hero
The photos are tagged and show up on the map in Lightroom, I also uploaded a few of the same photos to Flickr and they show up on the map in Flickr, the only place they aren't showing up on the map is on Smugmug???? For some reason Smugmug is losing or not reading the GPS data but Lightroom and Flickr can see the GPS data???? I even retried uploading a file to smugmug that had GPS info to the gallery and it's still not showing up on the map.
My Gallery: Digital Images by Ron Skinner
My Gallery: Digital Images by Ron Skinner
SmugMug Support Hero
Thanks, not sure how it happened but somehow "Remove Location Information" was checked??? Not sure how that happened cause last week when I uploaded this was not checked. I did recently update Lightroom from 5.5 to 5.6. Anyway I republished the photos and the GPS info is now there! Thanks for your help!!!
My Gallery: Digital Images by Ron Skinner
SmugMug Support Hero