Waiting (Melanie)

A bit within the same line as the previous shot…..waiting a early fifties inspired picture , hence the cigaret….P.S the girl does not smoke , nor do I…..
Melanies second shoot
Melanies second shoot

A photographer without a style, is like a pub without beer
This is stunning.
Canon 600D; Canon 1D Mk2;
24-105 f4L IS; 70-200 f4L IS; 50mm 1.4; 28-75 f2.8; 55-250 IS; 580EX & (2) 430EX Flash,
Model Galleries: http://bilsen.zenfolio.com/
Everything Else: www.pbase.com/bilsen
fotografo matrimonio
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Txs Foques, and what do you really, really dislike on the model
Is it the expression ?, the cigaret? I seem to remember that at some time, somebody really really hated smoking people in one of my pictures…. :ivar
At the end it is all show….
I think it is her makeup that does it for me. maybe lips look odd.. hard to put a finger on it just something seems off to me.
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TXS Foques, I can understand that… it 's all a matter of taste. And lucky we all have one that is not the same. Otherwise we would need to chase the same wifes
I know that the make-up is rather hard and expressive, the girl has a pale skin and dark hair…..The intend was to make this shot as it was one from the past (style) . A gogo / show girl hence the sigaret and the boa and corset.
I wonder, how this image would look with a tighter crop. Tighter to a point that the legs would not be showing at all and a part of the table on the left was gone.
regardless, despite your pale skin concern she is lit perfectly. that is something I need to master.
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