Alaskan Brown Bear with Cub - Denali

An Alaskan Brown bear with cub in Denali National Park. Handheld (out the window of a bus), Canon 6d, 100-400 @ 370. Took about 50 shots, this was the best.

I did the same thing out the bus door in Denali, and bagged me a Moose.
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Easy to remember taking video from bus windows at Denali. Photographed my first Moose that way, while he was in motion.
No such luck with Grizzlies on the bus. A mother and two cubs were sleeping close to the road. I kept wasting video film on them, although they hardly moved over a long period of time.
Congratulations on doing so much better.
When I finally got off the bus and looked for wildlife, all I found was the Ptarmigan, state bird of Alaska. Thought it was an arctic chicken at the time. Wrong! At least video was good for recording the Ptarmigan's call.