Behind the mask - Kay
We all wear masks od some sort but even Kay's mask doesn't hide all that gorgeous.





6. and then, as we walked back to the car we saw this incredible field of weeds, so Kay decided to be incredible there.



9. and lastly, a CU of that mask with a bit of mischief underneath.





6. and then, as we walked back to the car we saw this incredible field of weeds, so Kay decided to be incredible there.



9. and lastly, a CU of that mask with a bit of mischief underneath.

Bilsen (the artist formerly known as John Galt NY)
Canon 600D; Canon 1D Mk2;
24-105 f4L IS; 70-200 f4L IS; 50mm 1.4; 28-75 f2.8; 55-250 IS; 580EX & (2) 430EX Flash,
Model Galleries:
Everything Else:
Canon 600D; Canon 1D Mk2;
24-105 f4L IS; 70-200 f4L IS; 50mm 1.4; 28-75 f2.8; 55-250 IS; 580EX & (2) 430EX Flash,
Model Galleries:
Everything Else:
Well the first series with the shirt and the open hot pens: I can't get rid of the feeling "f**k me", maybe that is my sick mind. But that is those pictures tell me.
Is that wrong ? No absolutely not, it depends what the intend was. Bilsen, maybe you can explain.
I assume and maybe totally wrong that you wanted to create a feminine and soft sensual look. In that case I the shirt would work with one visible shoulder, tied in a nutt on the belly and having the hot pens closed-up. Well the top button could be open. It would make the picture much softer.
Secondly, you have a great model with a good figure and yet in the first set the belly is what we I see first…. Somehow my eyes fall first on the open hot pens (must be interest lol) and then I see the belly….. agreed not much of a belly ( I wish I had one like that) but still it places the wrong emphasis .
Besides that all respect for your work. And it is just my opinion for what it is worth.
The Lingerie is a much better set and does not create that sleazy feel . It is rather standard with wellknow poses. I think the would look even better with less brilliance.
Fig 8 is the only one in this set that doesn't cut it for me… It's a lovely and nice model, and it just doesn't come out that way ( especially the a.. cheeks, and the mysterious hand on the lower chest.
The last Picture is just lovely….
But overall and not considering my personal taste a nice set.
Thanks for showing
Like the "Voyeurism" of my other thread, I have been trying to introduce mini storylines into my shoots and move past just my usual Swimsuit/fashion. Sometimes it works, sometimes not so much.
It appears I screwed up yet another demented concept but here is what I was thinking (or possibly hallucinating). I had in my head two concepts: 1) the Sirens of Greek mythology who seduced sailors onto the rocks with their "charms" and 2) the fairy tales of my youth where trolls lived under bridges (rather than on the internet -
So that's my thought process (or lack thereof). Apparently, like many John Lennon songs, I went for depth and only created obscurity.
In any event, at least now I'm getting critiqued for concepts rather than exposure and other technical stuff. I guess that's advancement.
As for the bikini in the weeds, that was a spur of the moment thing in VERY direct sunlight so we were somewhat limited in what she could do without some truly ugly shadows.
Canon 600D; Canon 1D Mk2;
24-105 f4L IS; 70-200 f4L IS; 50mm 1.4; 28-75 f2.8; 55-250 IS; 580EX & (2) 430EX Flash,
Model Galleries:
Everything Else:
You dirty old man.
@Bilsen: Definitely one of your stronger sets. Your DOF is a lot more appealing for what you're trying to achieve. It's nice to see you taking some of that constructive criticism to your advantage.
#2,7,8, and 9 do it for me. Good job with this one
Also, what's your method behind your posing? Do you direct them the way you want them, or is it more about guiding them into a pose naturally? Just curious!
I listen to everything even when I don't end up agreeing. In truth, I still shoot sharp backgrounds about 1/2 the time, I just don't post them here.
How much direction I give totally depends on the model. How much does she know her stuff? How many shoots have we done together?? Whose concept are we shooting at the moment?
This was my 9th shoot with Kay so we already know each other pretty well. For her bikini in the creek set (first Kay thread here) she did her own basic poses and I just refined things like "weight on back leg" or "turn that hand a bit". For the "Voyeur set" and this set I gave her more direction since it was my concept (like looking off camera in the voyeur set and walk rock to rock in this set). In the weeds, she did her own stuff BUT because of the harsh, very direct sun, I was moving her literally inch by inch to avoid racoon eyes and other deficits.
Canon 600D; Canon 1D Mk2;
24-105 f4L IS; 70-200 f4L IS; 50mm 1.4; 28-75 f2.8; 55-250 IS; 580EX & (2) 430EX Flash,
Model Galleries:
Everything Else:
Opinions are just opinions
If you were going for a sirens/fantasy feel to the shot it doesn't come across like that for me. Here is why. Like the Cyndi Sonic series it was shot like a senior portrait with natural lighting and settings. The way you shot this takes me out of the fantasy concept and it's just a girl and a mask, leaving me wonder why she is under a bridge in a sexy outfit in the middle of the day. Off camera flash would have been a big benefit or shooting at a different time of day. Reading what you are going for I just don't get that feel in this series.
Technicals, 1-3, and 5 have a mixture of dark and light backgrounds that clash. 4 you have mostly dark with just a hint of a bright background and it works.
Jon, as I said, I'm starting to work on storylines within my shoots. I understand all your comments. Still, I consider being critiqued on concept vs. technical to be progress. Thanks.
Bryce, no sure what I can do about that but I will tell you, there is NO problem in person.
Canon 600D; Canon 1D Mk2;
24-105 f4L IS; 70-200 f4L IS; 50mm 1.4; 28-75 f2.8; 55-250 IS; 580EX & (2) 430EX Flash,
Model Galleries:
Everything Else:
Canon 600D; Canon 1D Mk2;
24-105 f4L IS; 70-200 f4L IS; 50mm 1.4; 28-75 f2.8; 55-250 IS; 580EX & (2) 430EX Flash,
Model Galleries:
Everything Else: