reorg ?

Here is my page. You will notice there are catagories named ERCU. ERCU 2004 and ERCU 2005. I would like to take all of the galleries within ERCU 2005 and move them to the ERCU category
Jst trying to organize it a little better.
Jst trying to organize it a little better.
"Christianity, if false, is of no importance,
and if true, of infinite importance. The only
thing it cannot be is moderately
important." C. S. Lewis
and if true, of infinite importance. The only
thing it cannot be is moderately
important." C. S. Lewis
Here's how to move your galleries between categories.
- Go to ERCU 2005 Galleries page
- Click on customize below each gallery
- Change the catagory from 'ERCU 2005" to ECRU"
- Repeat for each gallery
May I suggest that you create sub catagories below ECRU for each year? This will help you keep them seperate (as you have now) while keeping your photos homepage clean.To create sub categories
and if true, of infinite importance. The only
thing it cannot be is moderately
important." C. S. Lewis