"History" shot
This was my entry on a small non-photo related board with an assignment titled "History". Hoping to step aside from comments/thoughts over there, I'd like to know thoughts on this one from a photographic community. Do you see "History" in the image? What could have been done differently if anything jumps out at you.

My only comment would be a more even light and pull back a bit so we can take more of the image in.
I get history from your image, but if I may, a little critique since you asked:
In still life shots, you are the total master of the set. Lighting, arrangement, perspective, etc.
I might suggest that you arrange your set to lead the viewers eye specifically where you want it to go. The main focus of the image, so to speak. You can also do this with lighting.
As your image is, I can find no focus point, and I'm not talking about actual camera focus. My eye just randomly moves over the image, ultimately winding up down at the bottom on the envelope. Why, because that's the most contrasting thing in the image, which draws your eye there.
Is the envelope your "focal" point, or anchor of this image?
If not, then use the techniques mentioned to direct our eyes where you want them to go.
Hope that helps...
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots