Michigan Cherry Pie

Criticism most welcome on - Lighting, composition and general appeal - thanks.
Shot taken with a small softbox about three feet above and at a steep angle. Beginning to use light meter more instead just a histogram!
"Still image" is one of the scavenger hunt themes for our camera club in Midland, Mi.
Criticism most welcome on - Lighting, composition and general appeal - thanks.
Shot taken with a small softbox about three feet above and at a steep angle. Beginning to use light meter more instead just a histogram!
"Still image" is one of the scavenger hunt themes for our camera club in Midland, Mi.

"Where is the ice cream?" That is a popular question. Looks like I need a reshoot, but you know these kind of still images don't last long
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
If I were to try and improve it I would ether remove the fork or clean it off, and wipe off the cherry smuts on the plate. If you want a used (with cherry on it) fork maybe remove a bit of pie.
One area I am trying improve with food and or still life is to pay attention to the details.
Thanks Sam. I was torn between a very clean cut piece of pie, clean pate and fork, and what I did. I like the idea of cutting a piece off since the fork is not clean. Details, details......
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
Take care,
Thanks to both of you. I had other comments - "Where is the ice cream?" Guess I will have to do it all over again and enjoy fruits of the labor.
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams