Customize "DISCARD CHANGES" only works for changes from the current session
If i go to CUSTOMIZE and make some changes, then exit customize-mode using "Save changes for later" i can not undo these changes when i'm back in customize mode. "DISCARD CHANGES" on exit will only revert changes from the current customize session, not from any previous session.
This is especially totally annoying if you want to switch between different pages (with "Save for later") and don't want your changes to go live until all pages are customized. If you decide to redo all changes you can't!
This will bring back an old feature request looking for methods to switch between pages without leaving customize mode.
This is especially totally annoying if you want to switch between different pages (with "Save for later") and don't want your changes to go live until all pages are customized. If you decide to redo all changes you can't!
This will bring back an old feature request looking for methods to switch between pages without leaving customize mode.
I think your points are valid - so please add them to the above page.
SmugMug Hero & CSS Monkey
Thx for the reply.
If you wish to revert changes you've "saved for later", there's an intended way to do that via the revert arrow next to the current section you're customizing:
That'll give you the option to revert to the published state or the original site design the current section you're customizing.
The discard changes feature is crucial for us Heroes as that allows us to check on any customer's site, test out things and then have a clean way to back out without messing with any changes the customer may have saved for later.
SmugMug Support Hero
If i select "Discard changes" i would expect to revert all changes i made to the published design. Even changes i made earlier that have saved for later are "changes".
Of course you can use the "revert" button as shown on your screenshot... please try to do that for a dozen of pages that you cannot select/jump on when in customize mode:
You have to open page1, go to customize, select revert, done... open page2, go to customize, select revert... or you must type in the correct URL to the address bar of your browser to jump between pages without exit customize mode. Not that easy if you do not know all URLs.
The revert button is ok for a single page, or all folders/galleries/home/entire-site section. If you have made many changes to various custom pages/galleries/folders a "Discard all changes" or "Revert to published state" (or whatever you call it) would be much easier for someone who want to update his current design without choosing a completely new one.
Or maybe allow users to copy a design so people can keep the published design and work on a copy to test out changes and choose the copy later to be the default one.
Anyway... i'm now aware of that issue and this thread can be closed (btw... i just deleted my feedback on, was on "Awaiting moderator approval" for over a week.)