Girl in the Window
I took this shot yesterday at a street festival. This young lady was on the second floor of her building just watching the goings on on the street below.

I really like the way she was framed in the window and cropped it just to include here and the window to change the photo from landscape to portrait. I personally really like it, but it still needs something. Suggestions are welcome! And let me have it... I have pretty thick skin.


I really like the way she was framed in the window and cropped it just to include here and the window to change the photo from landscape to portrait. I personally really like it, but it still needs something. Suggestions are welcome! And let me have it... I have pretty thick skin.

Good possibilities though.
<Insert some profound quote here to try and seem like a deep thinker>
Michael Wachel Photography
Thanks for showing
I noticed that. The building itself is actually leaning. It is an old building (by American standards).