Can revert back to old smug?
After I publish to the new smugmug and if some point of time later if I prefer the old, can I revert back? Is there a one-click button back to the old?
My gallery:
I'm curious, why are you considering this? In my opinion new smug does a better job of showcasing your photos.
I just took a quick look at your site and it looks like you don't have any customizations applied. That means that your transition to new smug should be quite straightforward.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I'm just playing safe in case I don't like the new look. I don't have the luxury time to try to understand it. But I'm not doubting the new smug. Must be better.
Once you click to expose your new site to the public you can't go back to legacy - but you don't need to make your new site available until you are happy with it.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
If i remember, the new smug took effect something like 6 mths ago? See, I still dont hv time the tweak it, but I will do it someday.
Your site is pretty simple from a customization standpoint. I recommend you at least look at your site in new smug - I don't think you will need to do much to have a decent looking new smug site.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
If I understand correctly, the old smug are not able to do that (i'm just an ordinary a/c). I could be wrong.
Is it possible in new smug and how do I start? Sorry, really stupid question because I tried it last time and wasn't successful and I don't really bother for so many yrs. I like to revamp it with the new smug.
Tks much
In new smug you can specify a folder called Travel and assign those galleries to the Travel folder. You can then define a menu entry called "Travel" that points to the Travel folder.
As an example you can look at my Travel folder -
There are many tips about new smug at
Start with
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I taken a tour of the above 2 links and indeed there are so much to learn. Indeed mind bogging.
I'm keeping these links and pretty sure I need it when its time for me to tweak.
Tks again. You have some pretty aweful pics !!
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Thousand apologies. Grhhhhhh. I meant awesome.
Hv a nice weekend.
Tks Ace for picking up the error. So embarassing !!
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at