Gallery Style not showing up correctly?

I just noticed an odd behavior in my New Smugmug site at I have set my default gallery style to be "Collage Landscape", and most of my galleries are set to display this way. However, I noticed just now that for a sample of galleries that I checked, when I go into Customize->Gallery Settings->Appearance, the gallery style is listed as being "Smugmug", and not "Collage Landscape". This is obviously incorrect, as the gallery actually displays in the Collage Landscape style. Also, if I choose instead to go to Customize->Gallery Style, the current style is correctly identified as "Collage Landscape". So the behavior I'm seeing looks to me like a bug.
- Mark
I just noticed an odd behavior in my New Smugmug site at I have set my default gallery style to be "Collage Landscape", and most of my galleries are set to display this way. However, I noticed just now that for a sample of galleries that I checked, when I go into Customize->Gallery Settings->Appearance, the gallery style is listed as being "Smugmug", and not "Collage Landscape". This is obviously incorrect, as the gallery actually displays in the Collage Landscape style. Also, if I choose instead to go to Customize->Gallery Style, the current style is correctly identified as "Collage Landscape". So the behavior I'm seeing looks to me like a bug.
- Mark
Could you please send us a link to a gallery, where you can see this behaviour?
I just checked this a couple of minutes ago, and it's still showing the behavior I mentioned. I think probably all my galleries are doing it. It's not serious, but it could be confusing.
- Mark
I can see what you mean now. You are overriding your gallery style settings by using the CUSTOMIZE menu - where your gallery style is set correctly - please see my screenshot:
The gallery style settings is always overridden by the style settings from the CUSTOMIZE menu.
Thanks for this... though I still don't quite understand. I'm not quite sure when the behavior I'm seeing started, since I only just noticed it. But at least until a few weeks ago, most or all my galleries were set to "Collage Landscape" both in Customize->Gallery Settings->Appearance and in Customize->Gallery Style. You correctly noted that Customize->Gallery Style still shows them as being set to "Collage Landscape". But now when I look at Customize->Gallery Settings->Appearance that screen shows them as "Smugmug" style. Your explanation that the former overrides the latter explains why they still display the way I want them to. But I am 100% sure I didn't intentionally do anything that would have changed all the Customize->Gallery Settings->Appearance settings to "Smugmug". I tinker around quite a bit with my site, most recently to add the "Blog" gallery to my home page. Perhaps I inadvertently did something to cause this change, but I can't imagine what? It would have to have been something with global scope (i.e. affecting all my galleries at once), because I see that the change has been applied even to galleries that I haven't visited for months. Personally I don't think it's likely I did somehow make a change that affected every gallery; it seems more likely to me that some change occurred that was not caused by me.
In any case, while it doesn't cause my galleries to display incorrectly, it is annoying. So if it is the result of a bug, it would be good to see it fixed, lest it end up confusing or upsetting other users.
- Mark
Basically just ignore that "default" appears to be tied to "Smugmug" style.
The Customize Gallery style at the top of the page shows the style the gallery is set to for me - on galleries where I have not explicitly set a style it shows my default of "collage landscape". For galleries on which I have overridden the default it shows the style to which the gallery was explicitly set.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I'm not quite following, Denise. Even where I have galleries set (via Gallery Settings) to something else, e.g., Collage Portrait, when viewing the gallery, at the top of the page it says Smugmug Style (default), and there is no indicator in the list, that I'm aware of, that would tell me the gallery is set to Collage Portrait.
Previously, my recollection is that both Customize->Gallery Settings->Appearance and Customize->Gallery Style behaved as I expected. That is is, they both showed my site-wide default (Collage Landscape) for galleries that I hadn't explicitly set to anything different. And if I used EITHER method to change to something else, then BOTH reflected the change. (This is very sensible behavior, exactly what I'd expect.) I am VERY certain that the setting shown in the Customize->Gallery Settings->Appearance screen was NOT "Smugmug" ... but now it is. However Customize->Gallery Style still shows "Collage Landscape", and the galleries still actually display as Collage Landscape.
Right now I'm thinking of this as more of a weird quirk than a serious flaw - I do seem to be able to get the galleries to actually work they way I want, even if the interface for achieving that seems a bit flaky. I mostly raised the issue to make Smugmug aware that I personally think something changed (at least on my site), and that the change would likely be confusing for most users.
- Mark
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Yes... I wonder if this is a bug if the site is set to Smugmug style, since what I see is (I think) consistent with the OP's problem.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
The screenshots etc that you're showing are all related to what is shown in the Customize->Gallery Style menu option. That also works fine for me too.
My problem is in a different place. When I have a gallery open, and I then go into the Gallery Style field that appears under the Customize->Gallery Settings->Appearance page. (That is, I look at the gallery style field in the appearance page of the overall gallery settings.) In THAT place, all my galleries now appear to have been set to "Smugmug" style. I have no idea why, and I don't think it was like that a few weeks ago.
- Mark
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Hmmm... so this problem is likely something specific to my site. I'll investigate, but I can't imagine what I would have done to produce it....
- Mark
SmugMug Support Hero