Yes indeed it was a very hard pose to take. Melissa could only stay for a few seconds, we had to do it a few times before we got the shot we wanted. Since it was painful and tuff (not for me ), she tended to show it in the face. And that was not the intend…. so yes, it is different and that was the intend.
Regards, steve
A photographer without a style, is like a pub without beer
TXS Bryce, well the floor was supposed to direct the eye to the lifted body (space between the floor and the body)..
And secondly I tried to make it weird and odd , just like the pose.
A photographer without a style, is like a pub without beer
"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
Yes indeed it was a very hard pose to take. Melissa could only stay for a few seconds, we had to do it a few times before we got the shot we wanted. Since it was painful and tuff (not for me
Regards, steve
Thanks Hackbone
Not sure about how well the floor works in this shot. I find it (the floor) fighting for my attention and pullin my eyes from the subject.
And secondly I tried to make it weird and odd , just like the pose.