black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited September 14, 2014
Gadzooks!!! Please tell me that's not some of your neighborhood boys. It's an arresting shot. I think your PP work is appropriate for the subject.
I've mentioned it before, Eric, but you need to plan your way out of California. Robot things that walk the streets, characters like these that would send Schwarzenegger packing..... a bit much in my book. All I've got to deal with are crazed iguanas and rotten coconut juice. Come on over.
Take care,
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Gadzooks!!! Please tell me that's not some of your neighborhood boys. It's an arresting shot. I think your PP work is appropriate for the subject.
I've mentioned it before, Eric, but you need to plan your way out of California. Robot things that walk the streets, characters like these that would send Schwarzenegger packing..... a bit much in my book. All I've got to deal with are crazed iguanas and rotten coconut juice. Come on over.
Take care,
Hey Tom.... thanks, that's kind of you to invite me - usually urban-flight Californians are not welcome when they roll into new towns... apparently our reputation often precedes us.
Regarding Schwarzenegger... I cannot say in polite company what I think about our former Governator...
Lets just say, I'd love to send him your way, and please feel free to stick him in a cage full of crazed iguanas and keep him on rotten coconut juice for the duration...
Lighting works for me. At first it seemed too bright for the subject, but after a second look I changed my mind.
Yeah, lighting was not ideal, but not too-bad for the venue. These characters were outside of Comic-Con in San Diego - a HUGE 4-day convention of fantasy, sci-fi, and comic (etc.) enthusiasts.
Most costumed participants are happy to pose, but the challenge for the candid photgrapher is getting good light with anything approaching a decent background.
This group was hot and tired, sitting under a tree, planning an attack on the near-by Starbucks for refreshments. I asked if they would pose for me and they kindly agreed,
if I was fast about it, so I had about two minutes to clear a bunch of junk out of this corner and get them in there... three fast clicks and off they went.
It was fun, and I thought the image not too bad for the circumstances. I e-mailed it to them, and they liked it very well. To me, the greatest deficit in the image is the shadow in the right-bottom - I may work on cloning the concrete. Thanks for commenting Phil!
The image below shows just how crowded it was outside the Convention Center.
Great shot Eric! I love the blueish-green hue. Good cast of characters.
Thanks Cristóbal - yes, I was stoked to find these guys and get a decent image. This genre of en-actors have large gatherings, and I took a clue from other images of them for my processing.
I've mentioned it before, Eric, but you need to plan your way out of California. Robot things that walk the streets, characters like these that would send Schwarzenegger packing..... a bit much in my book. All I've got to deal with are crazed iguanas and rotten coconut juice. Come on over.
Take care,
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
Regarding Schwarzenegger... I cannot say in polite company what I think about our former Governator...
Lets just say, I'd love to send him your way, and please feel free to stick him in a cage full of crazed iguanas and keep him on rotten coconut juice for the duration...
Have fun man!
Most costumed participants are happy to pose, but the challenge for the candid photgrapher is getting good light with anything approaching a decent background.
This group was hot and tired, sitting under a tree, planning an attack on the near-by Starbucks for refreshments. I asked if they would pose for me and they kindly agreed,
if I was fast about it, so I had about two minutes to clear a bunch of junk out of this corner and get them in there... three fast clicks and off they went.
It was fun, and I thought the image not too bad for the circumstances. I e-mailed it to them, and they liked it very well. To me, the greatest deficit in the image is the shadow in the right-bottom - I may work on cloning the concrete. Thanks for commenting Phil!
The image below shows just how crowded it was outside the Convention Center.