United Way Color Run

I had the opportunity to carefully take some shots of a local color run. If you haven't seen one of these, there a few photos below that will demonstrate why I say carefully.
Lots of fun and for a good cause.
Plus I got to turn up the saturation and add more and have fun with it!
You want to be upwind and nobody in front of you.
Comments and criticism most appreciated!





Lots of fun and for a good cause.
Plus I got to turn up the saturation and add more and have fun with it!
You want to be upwind and nobody in front of you.
Comments and criticism most appreciated!






Thanks much. I hope to do it again next year. Next time I will use a longer lens and put my camera in a plastic bag of some sort. Fortunately I did not have any problems with the "color" on my camera this year.
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
I have read so much pedantic Hype about these things it makes me laugh. Some would insist you believe the powder is a mixture if Dried sulfuric acid and 1 Um diamond dust.
Personally I think it's all a load of internet forum Crap.
Put the camera in your waterproof bag or houseing and that's it, nothing can happen to it no matter what sort of threat you believe the stuff is. Wash the cam bag off in the shower when you get home same as you would when doing an underwater shoot, dry it and pull out your camera with exactly the same amount of dust in it as when you left home.
I used My cam housing shooting a Motorcross event recently. It wasn't the Dust I was worried about, it was the mud. The event was up the country so close to my dads place I just walked there as people were parking a few houses away anyhow. I got right in close where no one else was game to go and got some great pics. Funny enough I got very little mud on me even though it seemed to be flying around right past me everywhere. I expected to come back with enough to hose my clothes off and get the tractor out to sow Potatoes in but didn't happen. I knew it was going to be a mud bog because it had been raining up there for a week and they were having discussions if they would have to pull the event the day before.
I could have been hit by any amount of mud or water and apart from having to wash it off the lens port, wouldn't have been a problem at all.
Underwater housings are good for a lot more than just using underwater!
Thanks for the tip. I will certainly incorporate in that in a shoot the involves flying matter the next time.
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams