Migration from Gallery3 - closing up shop!
Hello Smugmug, I suspect that you may have heard already that Gallery3 project is going "into hibernation." I've been using Gallery3/2/1 for years now to host my own pictures on my website, and it appears that the devs have finally gotten bored with the project and are stopping development.
Inside my own Gallery3, I have pictures, albums, users, comments, and some embeded youtube videos. I'd love a way to migrate from this Gallery over to a new smugmug account while keeping things relatively similar.
You can read the hibernation note here:
We're not able to log into their forum any longer, and I suspect there will be many other folks jumping that ship - and many coming to smugmug.
Inside my own Gallery3, I have pictures, albums, users, comments, and some embeded youtube videos. I'd love a way to migrate from this Gallery over to a new smugmug account while keeping things relatively similar.
You can read the hibernation note here:
We're not able to log into their forum any longer, and I suspect there will be many other folks jumping that ship - and many coming to smugmug.
Anyone know of a Gallery3 import tool?
I've been using Gallery 1/2/3 for years, and they've finally decided to throw in the towel on it. So I'm jumping ship to smugmug, but for my many albums and many pictures, comments, captions etc. It would be a shame to lose all that detailed info on my pictures.
I was able to find a couple of import tools, but they're old and only seem to be for Gallery 2.
I know several have had good luck with http://smugglr.smugmug.com/ I'm not familiar with Gallery Project. Here's a link to all the 3rd party options. Hopefully one will work.
How frustrating. I'll keep my eyes peeled to see if I can find something.