Flat Face
One of the literally thousands of geo-thermal features that dot Yellowstone. This one is in the Norris Basin. Look at the " mouth " of this face ( red tongue area ). You can clearly see how thin the surface crust is at this juncture. Over the years, there have been 300+ documented cases of people getting off approved trails in such areas as this, falling through the thin crust, and getting boiled alive.

I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
I guess there's no shortage of interesting things to see there, like flat face.
Interesting indeed! Thanks for posting...
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'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
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In all of my git'n-round, I've never seen a place like Yellowstone. The sheer volume of other-worldly scenes is overwhelming. Then you throw in the staggering natural beauty of the landscape....it's about all one can handle. When you just got to have a break from all the sensory overload, you amble on down to the town of Jackson for a little saloon time. Lord have mercy, I love it all.
HMMM.....never thought about that. It's certainly an alternative view.
Good to hear from you, Don,
.....and poof, the bushes are gone. The suggested crop didn't work for me. It resulted in what was almost a pano shot. The bushes didn't really bother me that much but I do think it's better that they're gone. I always appreciate your input, Taz. Thanks.
If you haven't been before, you'll be like a one-eyed cat in a seafood store....wear yourself out trying not to miss anything.
You might want to consider planning on a Summer trip to Yellowstone. A great deal of the Park is closed to visitors during the Winter. For sure, there are wonderful scenes that only come with Winter. But if you want, as most folks do, unfettered access to the whole show, early to mid-June through sometime in September works best. The weather really determines when they open and close the bulk of the Park.
In any case, Taz, I can't wait to see Yellowstone as seen through your magical lens.
See you,
Kind words Tom! It is in early planning stages and have been a life long dream! Lets see what happens! Look forward to more of your shots from YS!