0ne Lake, One Morning, Seven Views

An unusual occurrence for a Canadian, a Brown Christmas. I did Christmas with relatives in Cold Lake, Alberta. The Lake hasn’t frozen and there’s no snow.
Here are my 7 views of Cold Lake, it was a Boxing Day Sale of Views;
Canon 10d, 28-135 mm & Photoshop

Here are my 7 views of Cold Lake, it was a Boxing Day Sale of Views;
Canon 10d, 28-135 mm & Photoshop

Photo-a-day 2013
Nice work. Great compositions, and really nice color work.
I'm gonna stick my neck out and say the sky is enhanced - since today was the first blue sky here in months!!!! The N. Sask river is frozen, kinda, but we have no snow on the ground either. I'm lovin it!!!Poor fools down east - diggin out from feet of the wet heavy stuff .....
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Lovely - well done - thank you for posting, looking forward to more from you!
Colors - exposures - framing - composition, it's all good!
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BBones. All the images were shot in raw format and pp in PSCS. Lately I’ve been doing my initial PSCS work in Lab Color using the Canyon Conundrum by Dan Margulis. Further processing was done in RGB to obtain a “velvina look” for #6.
Ann. Relatives in Cold Lake report that snow began falling yesterday ……I am now at home .....Winnipeg .... snow, grey skys, freezing drizzle, snow, did I mention grey skys, roads are crap….