Untitled fluff

I promised Angelo to use lame thread heads, so here it is, per his request.
Stitched, cropped, adjusted, not much else was done to it.

What can be done with this one? The first impulse was to ditch it in the lake. But it came back.
Stitched, cropped, adjusted, not much else was done to it.

What can be done with this one? The first impulse was to ditch it in the lake. But it came back.
Photography is about what does not meet the eye
Be my guest: Alex Braverman Photography
Be my guest: Alex Braverman Photography
alleen de half ronde voorgrond niet mooi.
Thank you for taking the trouble to comment, but I do not speak Dutch!
Be my guest: Alex Braverman Photography
"water and horizon I find beautiful.
only the semicircular foreground not pretty.
grt , boco ."
The Chrome browser from Google accepts a Google Translate plug in as well, I think. I must confess I do not use Chrome, but I am considering it.
I find the symmetry of the concrete pier growing on me as I look at this image, even though my first impression was like boco's. I have only shot the skyline from up near the Adler Planetarium.
I think the there is an awful lot of empty sky in this image, and the cityscape seems very remote in this small image on my monitor. Perhaps, in a large print, I might appreciate it more.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Thank you for your feedback.
To me (and that's the reason I stitched the pano) the city itself is incidental; what I found of interest was the symmetrical juxtaposition between the skyline on the right and the clouds on the left. There's a confrontational drama unfolding. To emphasize it, the end result (in a larger rendition):
Be my guest: Alex Braverman Photography
I am quite sensitive to how the size of images affect how we view them, so maybe in a larger print, the first image might be more apparent that it was to my eyes, I did note the clouds in the upper right.
I see the drama in the second image, but the noise and contrasts are a wee bit offputting for me.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Thanks again.
I wondered about the noise (which, of course is artificially introduced in PP). Bright day, I think was shot with ISO 100 -- zero noise. Imagine the same pic looking like spit and polished Marine boots. There's something wrong. The final is disturbing, and the noise has this scratchy effect to annoy and disturb. Maybe I went overboard. Dunno. Not a wall hanger either way.
Be my guest: Alex Braverman Photography
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin