A " Calling "
Most of you know that old pard Randy has been enjoying the Summer stashed away in a fly fisherman's heaven. He commented that a river shot of mine was a "calling " to him....stirring the passion to get a fly in the water. Well, this river in Yellowstone must have been shouting its song, as the area was flush with guys ( and a couple of gals ) flailing the air with the fly rods.

I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Right beyond the point where the river takes a turn to the left, a rock out-cropping afforded the chance to sit and dangle your feet in the water. Boy, that sure helped some hiking-weary feet.
I saw three nice trout rise while I was looking at your picture...
BTW: * You seem to have some real talent with greens. Beautiful! *
As a side note:
Thanks for putting your feet in the river. Now all the fish are going to STINK!!!
You keep this up and we would have to start calling you Green Mamba!
I figured if this one didn't raise the hair on your neck, Pard, I was going to pack it in. I guess it's like golf was to me....doing something you absolutely love, while enjoying beautiful surroundings.
You know, buddy, you Texans are better at anything than the rest of us mortals. Talk about stinky feet!! You want to catch your limit el pronto....just strut yourself on into the water. You'll kill dozens of the poor things and you'll be able to stop chunking hand grenades at them like you've been doing.:hide
After a brutal hike up Mt. Washburn earlier that day, I literally flopped down beside this river, got my feet into the water, and promised the Lord that if he got me out of Yellowstone alive, I'd quit this crazy mountain hiking. Darlene said she'd never heard such wailing. I don't know why it is but she sometimes reminds me of Garfield....no sympathy at all.
Good to hear from you, Mary. I hope you and John are doing well.
Hi Spinner,
It's great to have you drop by. Do I detect a vibe that says you are yourself a fly-fishing guy?