Resposive Video Player
The smug mug video does not scales to the size of the window (div wrapper). If the window size changes the video window needs to rescale. This works with youtube, vimeo, videoJS and other video players. I'm sure there must be a way that it works with smug mug but I can't find any documentation.
Please help me by providing the code or pointing me to documentation on how to embed the player to work with responsive websites.
Please help me by providing the code or pointing me to documentation on how to embed the player to work with responsive websites.
Thanks for writing.
Could you elaborate? When I visit that link, both the YouTube embed and the SmugMug embed appear the same size to me when I resize the web browser.
Best Regards,
Suport Hero
Also the youtube link scales to fit the width in the sidebar while the smugmug video is overflowing. I've included 2 links to screen grabs to demonstrate the issue I am trying to resolve.
I'm still not clear on what the issue is. Your screenshots do not look like something abnormal is going on to me unfortunately.
Suport Hero
The Smugmug video is not centered in either of the videos because it is not scaling to fit. In the screen grab with the larger video window you can see the play button in the bottom corner. In the smaller video the play button is not even in the window.
I can't get it to scale to fit. I've tried using percent but then it just defaults to a small thumbnail size video.
Are you using the built in embed code which you can get in your SmugMug gallery via the Share button?
Suport Hero
This is the embed code that was provided to me by the client
<iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="360" height="203" src=""></iframe>
If I use what they provide the video size is hard coded and the video will not scale to fill the space
I have a modified version where I remove the width and height so that it will fill the space.
<iframe class="embed-responsive-item" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe>
I have reposted using both the provided embed code and the modified. You will see what I mean.
Suport Hero
I appreciate your feedback. It would appear that SmugMug does not support responsive layouts.
I can't really hard code the number because once it gets to the last css break point the width of the video could be between 320 and 768 pixels. That's why it needs to support percent instead of pixels.
Looks like they need to update their player
Thanks Again!