Assertion failed in LR Plugin
I'm trying to synchronize a couple of galleries between my Lightroom and Smugmug. This has worked before; however, now I get a popup dialog box that says "An internal error has occured: assertion failed!"
I'm using Lightroom 5.6, under 64-bit Windows 7, patches current, with 16GB of memory and several disks. I have version 2.1.6 of the plugin.
This is easily repeatable, so I turned on logging and tried to sync a gallery. I'm attaching the resulting log file. Oops - it's too big, and the forum doesn't accept it. Well, it starts like this:
And it ends like ths:
I'm using Lightroom 5.6, under 64-bit Windows 7, patches current, with 16GB of memory and several disks. I have version 2.1.6 of the plugin.
This is easily repeatable, so I turned on logging and tried to sync a gallery. I'm attaching the resulting log file. Oops - it's too big, and the forum doesn't accept it. Well, it starts like this:
lbumInfo - start 10/03/2014 08:10:13 DEBUG SmugMugAPI.callNewMethod - start 10/03/2014 08:10:13 DEBUG Timestamp Offset: 0 10/03/2014 08:10:13 DEBUG Base: GET& %3DAlbumHighlightImage%26_noredirect%3D%26_quiet%3D%26_shorturis%3D%26oauth_consumer_key%3DBTTwWm1mLRzh2kRdrrwGqKuwukywa76g%26oauth_nonce%3D225378db107c3eae01a040b79a6ff345%26oauth_signature_method%3DHMAC- SHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D1412338213%26oauth_token%3Dde96e5c30565ef744dc03182ba1c0373%26oauth_version%3D1.0 10/03/2014 08:10:13 DEBUG GET: %3D&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&_noredirect=&_expand=AlbumHighlightImage%3F_filteruri %3D&oauth_token=de96e5c30565ef744dc03182ba1c0373&oauth_consumer_key=BTTwWm1mLRzh2kRdrrwGqKuwukywa76g&oauth_nonce=225378db107c3eae01a040b79a6ff345&oauth_timestamp=1412338213&_shorturis= 10/03/2014 08:10:15 DEBUG HTTP Status: 200 10/03/2014 08:10:15 DEBUG SmugMugAPI.callMethod - end 10/03/2014 08:10:15 DEBUG SmugMugPlugin.parseAlbumSettings - start 10/03/2014 08:10:15 DEBUG SmugMugPlugin.parseAlbumSettings - end 10/03/2014 08:10:15 DEBUG SmugMugPlugin.getAlbumInfo - end 10/03/2014 08:10:15 DEBUG SmugMugPlugin.buildAlbumTemplateItems - start 10/03/2014 08:10:15 DEBUG SmugMugPlugin.buildAlbumTemplateItems - end 10/03/2014 08:10:15 DEBUG SmugMugPlugin.buildTemplateItems - start 10/03/2014 08:10:15 DEBUG SmugMugPlugin.buildTemplateItems - end 10/03/2014 08:10:18 DEBUG SmugMugPublishSupport.endDialogForCollectionSettings - start 10/03/2014 08:10:18 DEBUG SmugMugPlugin.syncAlbum - start 10/03/2014 08:10:18 DEBUG SmugMugPlugin.getImages - start 10/03/2014 08:10:18 DEBUG SmugMugAPI.callNewMethod - start 10/03/2014 08:10:18 DEBUG Timestamp Offset: 0 10/03/2014 08:10:18 DEBUG Base: GET& %2526_filteruri%253DImageSizeSmall%2526_filter%253D.ImageSizeSmall%253F_filter%253DUrl%26_filter%3DAltitude%252CCaption%252CFileName%252CFormat%252CKeywords%252CLatitude%252CLongitude%252COriginalHeight %252COriginalSize%252COriginalWidth%252CTitle%252CUri%252CWebUri%26_filteruri%3DImageSizes%252CImageMetadata%26_noredirect%3D%26_quiet%3D%26_shorturis%3D%26count%3D500%26oauth_consumer_key %3DBTTwWm1mLRzh2kRdrrwGqKuwukywa76g%26oauth_nonce%3D4f59b21d614e0e6c39f234e39699896b%26oauth_signature_method%3DHMAC-SHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D1412338218%26oauth_token %3Dde96e5c30565ef744dc03182ba1c0373%26oauth_version%3D1.0 10/03/2014 08:10:18 DEBUG GET:!images?oauth_signature=3qIEcapGkG8DuX1fbeBgfp5xrVQ%3D&_accept=application %2Fjson&oauth_version=1.0&_filteruri=ImageSizes,ImageMetadata&_quiet=&_expand=ImageMetadata,ImageSizes%3F_shorturis%3D%26_filteruri%3DImageSizeSmall%26_filter%3D.ImageSizeSmall%3F_filter %3DUrl&_noredirect=&oauth_signature_method=HMAC- SHA1&_filter=Altitude,Caption,FileName,Format,Keywords,Latitude,Longitude,OriginalHeight,OriginalSize,OriginalWidth,Title,Uri,WebUri&count=500&oauth_consumer_key=BTTwWm1mLRzh2kRdrrwGqKuwukywa76g&oauth_nonce=4f59b 21d614e0e6c39f234e39699896b&oauth_timestamp=1412338218&_shorturis=&oauth_token=de96e5c30565ef744dc03182ba1c0373 10/03/2014 08:10:18 DEBUG SmugMugPublishSupport.endDialogForCollectionSettings - end 10/03/2014 08:10:32 DEBUG HTTP Status: 200 10/03/2014 08:10:33 DEBUG SmugMugAPI.callMethod - end 10/03/2014 08:10:33 DEBUG SmugMugPlugin.getImages - end 10/03/2014 08:10:33 DEBUG ImageID: /image/SLD7Mr2 10/03/2014 08:10:33 DEBUG SmugMugPlugin.findPhotoInCatalog - start 10/03/2014 08:10:33 DEBUG Camera - Canon EOS 5D Mark III 10/03/2014 08:10:33 DEBUG ISO - 400 10/03/2014 08:10:33 DEBUG DateTimeOriginal - 2014:09:17 10/03/2014 08:10:33 DEBUG FileName - MH5A1813.jpg 10/03/2014 08:10:33 DEBUG FileName - MH5A1813.jpg 10/03/2014 08:10:33 DEBUG Match found using Filename 10/03/2014 08:10:33 DEBUG SmugMugPlugin.findPhotoInCatalog - end 10/03/2014 08:10:33 DEBUG ImageID: /image/Xw87CHH 10/03/2014 08:10:33 DEBUG SmugMugPlugin.findPhotoInCatalog - start 10/03/2014 08:10:33 DEBUG Camera - Canon EOS 5D Mark III 10/03/2014 08:10:33 DEBUG ISO - 100 10/03/2014 08:10:33 DEBUG DateTimeOriginal - 2014:09:17 10/03/2014 08:10:33 DEBUG FileName - MH5A1618.jpg 10/03/2014 08:10:34 DEBUG FileName - MH5A1618.jpg 10/03/2014 08:10:34 DEBUG Match found using Filename 10/03/2014 08:10:34 DEBUG SmugMugPlugin.findPhotoInCatalog - end 10/03/2014 08:10:34 DEBUG ImageID: /image/2B5kqMj 10/03/2014 08:10:34 DEBUG SmugMugPlugin.findPhotoInCatalog - start 10/03/2014 08:10:34 DEBUG Camera - Canon EOS 5D Mark III 10/03/2014 08:10:34 DEBUG ISO - 100 10/03/2014 08:10:34 DEBUG DateTimeOriginal - 2014:09:17 10/03/2014 08:10:34 DEBUG FileName - MH5A1744.jpg 10/03/2014 08:10:34 DEBUG FileName - MH5A1744.jpg 10/03/2014 08:10:35 DEBUG Match found using Filename 10/03/2014 08:10:35 DEBUG SmugMugPlugin.findPhotoInCatalog - end 10/03/2014 08:10:35 DEBUG ImageID: /image/kGp8crT 10/03/2014 08:10:35 DEBUG SmugMugPlugin.findPhotoInCatalog - start 10/03/2014 08:10:35 DEBUG Camera - Canon EOS 5D Mark III 10/03/2014 08:10:35 DEBUG ISO - 250 10/03/2014 08:10:35 DEBUG DateTimeOriginal - 2014:09:17 10/03/2014 08:10:35 DEBUG FileName - MH5A2004.jpg 10/03/2014 08:10:35 DEBUG FileName - MH5A2004.jpg 10/03/2014 08:10:35 DEBUG Match found using Filename 10/03/2014 08:10:35 DEBUG SmugMugPlugin.findPhotoInCatalog - end
And it ends like ths:
10/03/2014 08:12:08 DEBUG ImageID: /image/CfmQkBr 10/03/2014 08:12:08 DEBUG SmugMugPlugin.findPhotoInCatalog - start 10/03/2014 08:12:08 DEBUG Camera - Canon EOS 5D Mark III 10/03/2014 08:12:08 DEBUG ISO - 100 10/03/2014 08:12:08 DEBUG DateTimeOriginal - 2014:09:17 10/03/2014 08:12:08 DEBUG FileName - MH5A1617.jpg 10/03/2014 08:12:09 DEBUG FileName - MH5A1617.jpg 10/03/2014 08:12:10 DEBUG Match found using Filename 10/03/2014 08:12:10 DEBUG SmugMugPlugin.findPhotoInCatalog - end 10/03/2014 08:12:10 DEBUG SmugMugPlugin.resolvePhotoConflicts - start 10/03/2014 08:12:10 DEBUG SmugMugPlugin.findPhotoInCatalog - start 10/03/2014 08:12:10 DEBUG Match found using passed args 10/03/2014 08:12:10 DEBUG SmugMugPlugin.findPhotoInCatalog - end
Thanks for writing.
Please email that log file in to us at the helpdesk so we can get a Lightroom specialist on it (link below)
Best Regards,
Suport Hero
Can you please give this version a go and let us know how you get on.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I was just having the same issue ("An internal error has occured: assertion failed!") while syncing via Lightroom a gallery built in Smugmug collecting in a single gallery a pair of already existing galleries.
I had accepted that the the plugin was not able to manage this kind of situation, but the version you just made available actually works perfectly.
Thanks a lot again, you just made my day.
Hello David, I having issues with my gallery's not syncing up with the Lightroom publisher plugin. I have already installed the new version and got one of the two gallery to sync up. Whats going on here