Along the Great Gorge of the Ruth Glacier

This series were taken along the Ruth Glacier in Denali. Leaving Talkeetna, Alaska, we flew up the glacier with an eventual landing on the glacier at the Ruth Amphitheater. The images taken from the plane are through plexiglass, so sharpness is not exact, however I think the results are better than I expected. C&C always welcomed.
Lower region of Ruth Glacier with the Tokosha Mtns. in the background.

Ruth Glacier with the Great Gorge just beyond the upper turn to the left. Scale is confusing here. The glacier is about two miles across at this point.

Unnammed hanging glacier that doesn't quite connect to the Ruth any longer - About a few hundred feet above.

Mt. Bradley at 9100 ft. above sea level. From the glacier to the top: 4600 ft. Glacier depth at this point is about 3800'.

The southeast face of Mt. Dickey 9544' This is one of the tallest rock walls in the world. 5000 vertical feet of granite.
Lower region of Ruth Glacier with the Tokosha Mtns. in the background.

Ruth Glacier with the Great Gorge just beyond the upper turn to the left. Scale is confusing here. The glacier is about two miles across at this point.

Unnammed hanging glacier that doesn't quite connect to the Ruth any longer - About a few hundred feet above.

Mt. Bradley at 9100 ft. above sea level. From the glacier to the top: 4600 ft. Glacier depth at this point is about 3800'.

The southeast face of Mt. Dickey 9544' This is one of the tallest rock walls in the world. 5000 vertical feet of granite.

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I'm a little jealous now... all I got in Talkeetna was rain, and a decent meal in a restaurant.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Congrats on these fine captures, Len.
Link to my Smugmug site
Thanks Joel. No dipping of the wing, and to be honest, I was so enwrapped with what I was seeing, I wouldn't have noticed even if he did. However, I did ask him what seat would offer the best views, and so I sat in the back seat. The floor really, of the de Havilland DHC-2 (Beaver), a classic Alaskan bush plane. The other seat (next to me) was empty so I could slide back and forth to both sides. What a ride!