CS2 Bridge question
I just got the CS2 upgrade and have been playing with it for a couple days, then today, as I was trying to open a shot from Bridge, the picture opened in the Windows Raw/Image viewer. I haven't cahnged anything since I installed CS2 3 days ago and have opened numerous files from Bridge to CS2 with no problem...until today.:dunno
Any idea what's going on?
Any idea what's going on?
Yes. Another app took over your file type associations. On Mac it's Preferences, on PC I believe you go to Tools>options and look for file types and make sure that CS2 is the app associated with your file types (.jpg, .cr2, etc ....)
Easily fixed .... let us know!
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That did it
Thanks again. Do you ever get away from the computer?
Occasionally, for Ribs and Starbucks.
Glad you're fixed!
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