Exif info not showing

here's something that's been bugging me for a while... my site features public galleries (for example: http://www.sarasphotos.de/PublicGalleries/BikingSWFrance2012#!/i-vGxJVgB) that are smart galleries which pull photos from (public) password protected (but not unlisted) galleries. When I am logged in and click on the Info button then the map and all of the EXIF info is displayed. When I am not logged in, the map and GPS coordinates are displayed but not the EXIF info.
I have also checked - and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with right-click protection, either. I tried turning it off at both levels and reloading the page and it made no difference.
Does anyone know what causes this behavior?
Thanks for the feedback!
here's something that's been bugging me for a while... my site features public galleries (for example: http://www.sarasphotos.de/PublicGalleries/BikingSWFrance2012#!/i-vGxJVgB) that are smart galleries which pull photos from (public) password protected (but not unlisted) galleries. When I am logged in and click on the Info button then the map and all of the EXIF info is displayed. When I am not logged in, the map and GPS coordinates are displayed but not the EXIF info.
I have also checked - and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with right-click protection, either. I tried turning it off at both levels and reloading the page and it made no difference.
Does anyone know what causes this behavior?
Thanks for the feedback!
From what I can tell, the settings in your gallery are correct (including the ones from the source gallery) and to my understanding, the EXIF should also show for logged out visitors. I'll report this to our QA team to take a look at as this might be a bug.
I'll let you know once I hear back.
SmugMug Support Hero
Thanks so much! I look forward to a solution.
Cheers, Sara
Our QA team filed this as a bug. Note that it only seems to be an issue if the source gallery is password protected. So you could work around the issue by removing the password from the source gallery. You could still leave the source gallery unlisted and thus the gallery wouldn't show up for visitors to your site.
SmugMug Support Hero
Hi Sebastian,
actually, the so-called "Private Galleries" is a set of password protected folders each containing multiple galleries protected all with the same password so that my friends and family (those with the password) can enter the password and view all of the galleries in this branch of the tree. That seemed a much better solution than having to give them all a direct link to each of the many underlying galleries, which is what I would have to do if they were all unlisted. So for, unlisted is not an option.
schöne sonnige Grüße aus Augsburg,
My mistake. I thought the galleries were already unlisted and in addition had a password. You could still consider unlisting the galleries and then setting up a sharegroup to be able to share multiple unlisted galleries with one link. However, sharegroups don't support folders so you could only apply the galleries to the sharegroup directly without any additional hierarchy.
Grüße aus dem warmen Leipzig (vielleicht schaffts die Sonne ja noch durch die Wolken),
SmugMug Support Hero
Thanks, Sara
any news on this bug? Would still like to have my exif info shown...
Thanks, Sara
Interesting lack of action on a bug reported in October of last year.. I know the feeling when it comes to bugs and smugmug..
Sportsshooter.com Member
Love how those support Super Heros have avoided this post like the plague.. I even sent an email to baldy@smugmug.com asking why anyone in support would ignore this post without an answer.. Not trying to bait anyone into an answer from Smugmug just trying to prove a point and Smugmug did that more than I thought they would.. Super Heroes they really aren't..
Have a great day Folks!!
Sportsshooter.com Member
I checked and found that the bug has been filed as rainforest1155 mentioned. There has not been any further activity on it as the sorcerers are focusing on new features and high priority bug fixes. I know that this is a priority for you and I have bumped the bug ticket with a link to this post letting them know .
Cheers, Sara
Thanks! Hope it happens soon.
Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
Blog: Journey to the Light
"Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)