Great capture! Watched it develop during my morning commute, but did not have a proper camera handy.
Tony P. Canon 50D, 30D and Digital Rebel (plus some old friends - FTB and AE1) Long-time amateur.....wishing for more time to play Autocross and Track junkie
Thanks Ian and Craig, it was though getting up (and going through the day afterwards...) but I'm pleased with the result. I shot the April eclipse too, but this time I think I understood certain technical aspects that helped me get better shots. The conditions were not ideal, but as I said I got lucky. Thanks for looking .
Thanks Ian and Craig, it was though getting up (and going through the day afterwards...) but I'm pleased with the result. I shot the April eclipse too, but this time I think I understood certain technical aspects that helped me get better shots. The conditions were not ideal, but as I said I got lucky. Thanks for looking .
My lessons for the night were:
- not to be afraid of semi-long exposures, as long as they are not multi-seconds
- Use mirror up to avoid shake
- In my case I used live view, which is mirror up anyway and zoomed in to focus manually. The camera would not focus on the dark moon
- A lot of trial and error
Just do it! Oh did someone already come up with that?
My lessons for the night were:
- not to be afraid of semi-long exposures, as long as they are not multi-seconds
- Use mirror up to avoid shake
- In my case I used live view, which is mirror up anyway and zoomed in to focus manually. The camera would not focus on the dark moon
- A lot of trail and error
Just do it! Oh did someone already come up with that?
Very nice frame...I should I tried with High ISO like you did, but I was afraid of having too much noise so I used ISO time ( in 30 Years) I will try to remember to use higher ISO settings
Very nice frame...I should I tried with High ISO like you did, but I was afraid of having too much noise so I used ISO time ( in 30 Years) I will try to remember to use higher ISO settings
There's always room to try out things. When is the next eclipse? 30 years really?
Canon 50D, 30D and Digital Rebel (plus some old friends - FTB and AE1)
Long-time amateur.....wishing for more time to play
Autocross and Track junkie
I was too lazy... so, good on ya' Cristóbal.
What a wonderful capture, your diligence sure
paid off !!!
Very nicely done.
Burleson, Texas
Share out we can learn too! Cheers!
f5.6, ISO 3200, 1.3 sec, 340mm
My lessons for the night were:
- not to be afraid of semi-long exposures, as long as they are not multi-seconds
- Use mirror up to avoid shake
- In my case I used live view, which is mirror up anyway and zoomed in to focus manually. The camera would not focus on the dark moon
- A lot of trial and error
Just do it! Oh did someone already come up with that?
Link to my Smugmug site
There's always room to try out things. When is the next eclipse? 30 years really?
September 28, 2015 according to google.
Link to my Smugmug site
Thank you!