My blood moon, first edit

I hiked into the wilderness late tuesday night to a city overlook to get some in-context eclipse shots, and waited till after sunrise to hike out. I almost didn't go because I couldn't find anyone to go with me, so went solo. (drive was much longer than the hike, just a little over a mile and a half of hiking). I've done this hike twice with an autofocus telephoto lens in-my-hand and seen nothing but plants. Of course, hiking out alone this time, I've got all my gear in my backpack, and my camera still on moon-mode (Legacy manual focus lens, 12 second delay on in lieu of a remote shutter, anti shock delay on, image stabilization off, smallish aperture, low ISO, 2 second shutter speed, Image stabilization memory set on a much shorter lens, and the battery about to die, and then it dies), and all that takes menu work to reset-lesson learned. So, of course, I come across this guy.
I figure if I shoot him like a moon, he must be a moon, huh?
Poor guy was totally scared of me, and literally slid down the brush slope into the scree below the trail. After I passed the spot where he had been, I had a view backwards on the ravine he was in, where he was climbing back up to where I had been.
I figure if I shoot him like a moon, he must be a moon, huh?
Poor guy was totally scared of me, and literally slid down the brush slope into the scree below the trail. After I passed the spot where he had been, I had a view backwards on the ravine he was in, where he was climbing back up to where I had been.
Yeah, if you recognize the avatar, new user name.