Upload multiple folders from PC?

Is there any way to upload multiple gallery folders from my Windows PC to an existing SM folder, automatically keeping same Windows folder names as the SM gallery names? Seems that I have to create each new gallery separately and then upload files to each gallery. I have LR5 and PS CC too. Thanks for any ideas. Al
Acadiana Al
Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
Blog: Journey to the Light
"Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)
Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
Blog: Journey to the Light
"Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)
As I hinted at in your other thread, the New SmugMug API is still being worked at and until that's available, most of the third party apps available would likely not fully work with the New SmugMug yet. Since you already seem to be a StarExplorer user, your best best is to wait for the new version to be released.
If you want to check out other third party apps and uploaders, check out this page. Just note that due to the lack of a new API, many of the tools may be outdated and not work properly with the New SmugMug.
SmugMug Support Hero
Thanks again. Waiting for SM to resolve this issue...
Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
Blog: Journey to the Light
"Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)