Protect photos from mobile downloads???
I recently saw a lot of my photos posted on Face Book. I asked the person how they got the images and they replied, "I just saved them on my phone." :huh Why doesn't the site protect my images?
That's what the kids around here do with my photos. Still leaves my "big ugly watermark" on it so that everyone knows where they got it from!!
You should also be aware that the ability to take photos extends to web browsers as well. If an image is shown online it is sitting in the browser cache and is easily grabbed. I don't know what you have set on your site, but you should be aware the right click protection feature in smug does not protect your photos - it simply adds a stopping point before the viewer jumps to the browser cache to grab the image.
You need to decide how comfortable you are with the size photos you are sharing on your site and the possibility that those photos can be grabbed. It's a hard balance - to show a photo large enough that your viewers enjoy your work while you are comfortable with the knowledge that the photos shown on your site can be taken for free.
If you have a portfolio or business account you might want to use a watermark. Be careful with that though - a watermark that obscures the image will possibly drive viewers away. If you are in an industry where your subjects tend to grab photos, take a look at AceCo55's site for a good example of a watermark that protects but still allows the viewer to enjoy the photos.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at