Yellowstone Buffalo

catcher33catcher33 Registered Users Posts: 81 Big grins
edited November 12, 2014 in Wildlife
hey.. just trying to figure out how to post from flickr-- this was a drive by photo going through Yellowstone a few months back 15016587843


  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited October 26, 2014
    catcher33 wrote: »
    just trying to figure out how to post from flickr
    Take a look at How to Embed an Image in Your Post. Scroll down in that post to find the instructions for embedding an image from Flickr.

    --- Denise
  • catcher33catcher33 Registered Users Posts: 81 Big grins
    edited October 26, 2014
    that what i was trying - i copy the image location and pasted it when it asked -- is there a size limit on embedded photos?
  • catcher33catcher33 Registered Users Posts: 81 Big grins
    edited October 26, 2014
  • GattoGatto Registered Users Posts: 413 Major grins
    edited October 27, 2014
    on flikr on the right bottom side of the picture you want to share Click on the Arrow icon and select BBcode...than copy the whole string and paste it here but use only the part in between all the way to the next oneincluding the the[IMG][/img]15016587843_d4816f483e_c.jpg
  • catcher33catcher33 Registered Users Posts: 81 Big grins
    edited October 28, 2014
    -- so what do you think of this ?
  • Hunter58Hunter58 Registered Users Posts: 723 Major grins
    edited October 28, 2014
    Very nice shot, nicely exposed and sharp. For the composition of the shot a little more below and a little less above would be nice. I see a building in the background but it's not too distracting.
  • Dennis KaczorDennis Kaczor Registered Users Posts: 2,413 Major grins
    edited October 29, 2014
    Nice and sharp and like that bit of eye contact. Nice photo.
  • GattoGatto Registered Users Posts: 413 Major grins
    edited October 30, 2014
    Nice shot, what a majestic creature.

    Good job !
  • JohnDCJohnDC Registered Users Posts: 379 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2014
    I agree with Hunter. In addition, I'd crop a little from the left to (1) remove the distracting branch tangles, and to (2) put the bison's head better positioned in the left third of the image--a compositional thing that works well for human perception.
  • wtlwdwgnwtlwdwgn Registered Users Posts: 356 Major grins
    edited November 1, 2014
    A nice shot of a magnificent looking bison. We can't always choose the backgrounds we'd like. It would be good to have more ground for him to stand on and more room to roam to the left. I suspect you were in a summer traffic jam and probably didn't have much time to compose your shot. rolleyes1.gif
  • catcher33catcher33 Registered Users Posts: 81 Big grins
    edited November 9, 2014
    wtlwdwgn wrote: »
    A nice shot of a magnificent looking bison. We can't always choose the backgrounds we'd like. It would be good to have more ground for him to stand on and more room to roam to the left. I suspect you were in a summer traffic jam and probably didn't have much time to compose your shot. rolleyes1.gif

    yep traffic jam - he was on the other side of the road and there was a break in the cars in the other lane so i guess ya call it a buffalo drive by photo.
  • catcher33catcher33 Registered Users Posts: 81 Big grins
    edited November 9, 2014
    so i found out how to crop it on Flickr -- but i think i got carried away
  • StumblebumStumblebum Registered Users Posts: 8,480 Major grins
    edited November 9, 2014
  • Hunter58Hunter58 Registered Users Posts: 723 Major grins
    edited November 10, 2014
    Very cute but your shutter speed was too fast, slow it down a bit and you would have caught motion in the propeller. :ivar
  • TinstaflTinstafl Registered Users Posts: 355 Major grins
    edited November 11, 2014
    Gotta love the Yellowstone Buffalo,
    Here is one that I came across.

  • catcher33catcher33 Registered Users Posts: 81 Big grins
    edited November 12, 2014
    and your buffalo is like "Hey Bob! Thats a really stupid hat your wearing."
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