Dubois Wyoming

Another image from my recent wanderings around the west.
Stumbled across these colored hills similar in color and striation to the Oregon Painted Hills, near Dubois Wyoming.

Stumbled across these colored hills similar in color and striation to the Oregon Painted Hills, near Dubois Wyoming.

I don't know where I'm going, but I'm going anyway.
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
Bedankt voor het bekijken en becommentariëren . Closer zou beter zijn , maar dit is privé-eigendom . Volgende keer op die manier zal ik proberen het schieten met een langere lens en dan steek het in PS .
Thanks for viewing and commenting. Closer would be better, but this is private property. Next time that way I'll try shooting it with a longer lens and then stitch it in PS.
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
Link to my Smugmug site
Thanks Kdog. Actually planning a trip to the Badlands this spring if everything goes as planned.
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!