Some Herons
Little Blue Herons

Here this Little Blue Heron caught something, not sure what it is.

Here is a young Little Blue Heron

A juvenile Yellow-crowned Night Heron (not crazy about the down angle but there was no way for me to get down there)

Profile of the Juvi Yellow-crowned

Profile of an adult Yellow-crowned Night Heron

My favorite of the day, a Tricolored Heron

Here this Little Blue Heron caught something, not sure what it is.

Here is a young Little Blue Heron

A juvenile Yellow-crowned Night Heron (not crazy about the down angle but there was no way for me to get down there)

Profile of the Juvi Yellow-crowned

Profile of an adult Yellow-crowned Night Heron

My favorite of the day, a Tricolored Heron
Are you are Heron addict? (pun intended):D
Thanks bum. As for being an addict you know I've never thought about but you might be right. If I don't see any get mildly anxious and will stop at nothing to find one.
That's a funny pun... I might just use that.
Dennis Kaczor Photography
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams