I like this, I like the contrast of the guitar player against the white wall. I think I would crop the right side to eliminate the white edge, and just show the awning. This would produce a continuous line of awning from left to right. I also think it is a bit slanted, the roof seems closer to the edge on the right side of the frame. I know the bell is a center piece but I wish it had more air above it, I would be tempted to crop it off too and just show the edge of the roof...
Eric, I'm sorry I went to town with comments on this, but it is because I like it. It is all well meant, you know that my friend.:D
black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited November 2, 2014
As usual, Eric, I really like your PP work with B&W shots. Great capture, too, of an almost extinct piece of Americana....a five and dime store. I think Cristóbal's cropping suggestions ( both from the top and right-hand side ) are worthy.
I hope you're doing well,
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
I like this, I like the contrast of the guitar player against the white wall. I think I would crop the right side to eliminate the white edge, and just show the awning. This would produce a continuous line of awning from left to right. I also think it is a bit slanted, the roof seems closer to the edge on the right side of the frame. I know the bell is a center piece but I wish it had more air above it, I would be tempted to crop it off too and just show the edge of the roof...
Eric, I'm sorry I went to town with comments on this, but it is because I like it. It is all well meant, you know that my friend.:D
Cristóbal... my MTB bro! (I've been riding a lot lately - 38 mi. today:whew)
Thanks so much for looking, and taking the time to critique - I very much value your impressions and suggestions!!
You'll see below a couple of edits incorporating your suggestions - let me know what what you think!
Regarding level; this is a really old building (the awning is a facelift) on a really old street - I mean it used-to-be-dirt old! (Old Town - San Diego)
The street is definitely not level or even, so I picked the awning for LR to correct to perfectly level and I think that revealed the flaws in the roof-line. It's less noticeable in the edits.
I included the sky in the original edit because it had the clouds for interest - but, in the edit, leaving it out does draw more attention to the building and the scene.
Thanks again for the feedback!
(Reply with quote just quit working for me - even after a cache-clear and re-boot???)
@ Tom...
Hi Tom, thanks so much for your comments and support - I really appreciate the C&C from all the folks here - we each have an
individual perception of reality and it's great to hear about it from y'all - I'm endlessly fascinated with the process!
Super street shot Earache! Nicely balanced composition.
Well, reply with quote is working again... go figure.
Hey, thanks lensmole, I appreciate the feedback and the complement!
It's good to know that the original composition has elements that appeal to your eye.
Ok, Mr. Cristóbal, I kinda' like this one as a blend of your cropping suggestions and keeping the sky... I did some work to simplify and tone-down the sky... and the more I look at the bell, the more I like it.
Thanks for working with me on this one, it's a fun exercise!
Yeah, no, we usually do 20-25 on dirt, but afterward yesterday, we decided to ride to lunch on bike-path... no one told me ahead of time it was gonna be 15 more - lunch was good though!
Ok, Mr. Cristóbal, I kinda' like this one as a blend of your cropping suggestions and keeping the sky... I did some work to simplify and tone-down the sky... and the more I look at the bell, the more I like it.
Thanks for working with me on this one, it's a fun exercise!
Yeah, no, we usually do 20-25 on dirt, but afterward yesterday, we decided to ride to lunch on bike-path... no one told me ahead of time it was gonna be 15 more - lunch was good though!
Nice sky! I like it better (but prefer the other crop...)
Enjoy your riding , the season is over, or almost over here in the rockies.
I like the image. I like the sky and bell. Usually, a crop which increases the size of the subject or decreases distractions enhances the story contained in the photograph. But your crop alters/changes the story of the photograph into something slightly different.
The crop I'd like to see is symmetry. The off center bell and singer is distracting to my eye. I don't see the two people on the right to be more important than the symmetry.
Hey, thanks lensmole, I appreciate the feedback and the complement!
It's good to know that the original composition has elements that appeal to your eye.
I think the original is just fine. Not that there's anything really wrong with the others, but they don't seem to improve it either. .
I like the image. I like the sky and bell. Usually, a crop which increases the size of the subject or decreases distractions enhances the story contained in the photograph. But your crop alters/changes the story of the photograph into something slightly different.
The crop I'd like to see is symmetry. The off center bell and singer is distracting to my eye. I don't see the two people on the right to be more important than the symmetry.
I think the original is just fine. Not that there's anything really wrong with the others, but they don't seem to improve it either. .
Thanks very much for weighing-in on this project guys - I appreciate your observations.
As always, each person commenting has an individual perception of, and subsequent preference for, certain elements of the composition... this is expected of course,
and for me, interesting and instructive to evaluate and incorporate into edits for the exploration process. Ultimately, we all will create images to fulfill our own personal vision,
but I think this give-and-take with other Grinners is a beneficial and often productive learning exercise - so, thanks to all!
Gary - here's a final edit that restores symmetry to the frame - I looked at that factor a lot, and while the asymmetry in the original crop did not bother me,
I agree that it did not work in subsequent edits. The people on the right seemed important to me, so I extended the left.
Thanks for your input!
Eric, I'm sorry I went to town with comments on this, but it is because I like it. It is all well meant, you know that my friend.:D
I hope you're doing well,
Cristóbal... my MTB bro! (I've been riding a lot lately - 38 mi. today:whew)
Thanks so much for looking, and taking the time to critique - I very much value your impressions and suggestions!!
You'll see below a couple of edits incorporating your suggestions - let me know what what you think!
Regarding level; this is a really old building (the awning is a facelift) on a really old street - I mean it used-to-be-dirt old! (Old Town - San Diego)
The street is definitely not level or even, so I picked the awning for LR to correct to perfectly level and I think that revealed the flaws in the roof-line. It's less noticeable in the edits.
I included the sky in the original edit because it had the clouds for interest - but, in the edit, leaving it out does draw more attention to the building and the scene.
Thanks again for the feedback!
@ Tom...
Hi Tom, thanks so much for your comments and support - I really appreciate the C&C from all the folks here - we each have an
individual perception of reality and it's great to hear about it from y'all - I'm endlessly fascinated with the process!
I'm doing well, and I hope the same for you sir!!
Hey, thanks lensmole, I appreciate the feedback and the complement!
It's good to know that the original composition has elements that appeal to your eye.
I'm leaning towards the first edit.
On the second version you did, I do like the space above the bell, but the sky is overblown and distracting.
38 miles mountain? I mean true mountain...? wow. No wonder you're tired...
Thanks for working with me on this one, it's a fun exercise!
Yeah, no, we usually do 20-25 on dirt, but afterward yesterday, we decided to ride to lunch on bike-path... no one told me ahead of time it was gonna be 15 more
Nice sky! I like it better (but prefer the other crop...)
Enjoy your riding , the season is over, or almost over here in the rockies.
The crop I'd like to see is symmetry. The off center bell and singer is distracting to my eye. I don't see the two people on the right to be more important than the symmetry.
Unsharp at any Speed
Thanks very much for weighing-in on this project guys - I appreciate your observations.
As always, each person commenting has an individual perception of, and subsequent preference for, certain elements of the composition... this is expected of course,
and for me, interesting and instructive to evaluate and incorporate into edits for the exploration process. Ultimately, we all will create images to fulfill our own personal vision,
but I think this give-and-take with other Grinners is a beneficial and often productive learning exercise - so, thanks to all!
Gary - here's a final edit that restores symmetry to the frame - I looked at that factor a lot, and while the asymmetry in the original crop did not bother me,
I agree that it did not work in subsequent edits. The people on the right seemed important to me, so I extended the left.
Thanks for your input!
Unsharp at any Speed