Hi there, just wondering how you find using Smugmug for your website. Was thinking of changing to Smugmug, but could only find examples of sites from US photographers, which started to slightly perturb me…
Just seen you are a Smugmug Hero. Not sure what that actually means, but I'd like to see some examples of UK-based photographers who use Smugmug. Not so much for the styles, as I'm sure they are the same worldwide. It's more for the reassurance that Smugmug works successfully in the UK.
Can you give me some links to other photographers in the UK that use Smugmug?
HI EarlGray,
I am based in the UK - Leicester to be precise.
How may I help you?
There are loads of tools that will allow you to customize your site + you have access to a great lab - Loxley Colour { based in Scotland }.
It all depends what you are looking for - but if you have any questions - let me know.
There are actually loads of photographers who are based in the UK or Europe - that are on SmugMug
Can you give me some links to other photographers in the UK that use Smugmug?
Yeah - I am a Support Hero here at SmugMug - but I am also a photographer