Juvenile Coot, Cinnamon Teal and Gallinule
Putting the new 7D 2 through its paces
These were all shot at ISO 640 F/7.1 420mm
Pied Billed Grebe

Cinnamon Teals

Gallinule/Common Moorhen In Flight

Pied Billed Grebe

Cinnamon Teals

Gallinule/Common Moorhen In Flight

Thanks Hunter for the information.
How come the grebe, in the first shot does not have a black stripe on his beak?
Anyone know what the third shot is?
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It's there just very faint. I see that often. During breeding it's much darker.
From All About Birds:
These are brown birds, slightly darker above and more tawny-brown on the underparts. During spring and summer, the crown and nape are dark and the throat is black. While breeding, the bill is whitish with a black band (“pied’), but otherwise is yellow-brown. Juveniles have striped faces.
Hey Dan do you have any other shots of that last bird?
I got it. It's a Yellow-headed Blackbird. I had to download the shot and open the shadows a little and get a closer look at it.
Here's some info on the bird:
Coo. Thanks
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I don't know, but I don't think so
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Based on that 2nd shot you posted with a bunch of them... I'm 100% sure.
Nice shot for an positive ID, the white wing patch is a good field mark which couldn't be seen in the first shot.
I wish I could find one but they are very rarely seen here in Florida.
I checked on ebird.com and in Pima County you have them pretty much year round.