My Little Town
Hi, I have just returned from a quick trip back to 'My Little Town', Ramsgate in the UK. The town dates back to about 1274, and the harbour is the only 'Royal' harbour in the UK and was built between 1749 and 1850. One of its' more recent claims to fame was in May 1940 when it was the setting off point for the 'Little Ships' which sailed across the channel to Dunkirk to assist with the evacuation of the BEF soldiers as part of Operation Dynamo. My Aunt (who's 90th birthday was the reason for my trip back to Ramsgate) remembers standing on the cliff top on the left of the photo and watching the boats off-loading the soldiers. Unfortunately, her brother (my father) was not one of them; he was on his way to Poland as a POW.

With thanks to Simon and Garfunkel.
C&C always appreciated - Cheers - Richard.

With thanks to Simon and Garfunkel.
C&C always appreciated - Cheers - Richard.
Unsharp at any Speed
The rust colored structure with all the arches near the center looks particularly intriguing.
Thank you for looking in - glad you liked it.
Cheers, Richard.
Hi Eric, thank you for your feedback - much appreciated. The main arches which front on to the 'inner harbour' support 'Royal Parade', the road which runs downhill left to right. The arches contain marine engineering companies and shipwrights - quite a bustling industry. The upper arches which line Royal Parade have seating within them. In Victorian times, people would sit there and enjoy the views across the harbour - taking a break from their 'promenade along the front'.
Cheers, Richard.
Hi, thank you for looking in and your feedback - I see what you mean about the sharpening - I had reduced it - maybe needed to come down another notch.
Cheers, Richard.