Tom and Richard's Excellent Adventure

Based on Tom's sea creature wall image and Richard's suggestion we do more pseudo-rust treatments...
I couldn't resist doing a RUST JUNKIE punch-up on an innocent, unsuspecting, non-ferrous object.
Post more if you like - just for fun! :thumb
I couldn't resist doing a RUST JUNKIE punch-up on an innocent, unsuspecting, non-ferrous object.

Post more if you like - just for fun! :thumb

Eric ~ Smugmug
Lordy, this shot here is wonderful. Kudos to you for orchestrating such a dramatic statement that you are one of us JUNKIES in spirit and in fact.
Welcome, brother. We've been patiently waiting on you.
some observers think we're all nutz... :crazy That's ok - imo, nutz is good!
Hey Taz... i'ts time to dip your quill into the nutty, rustification inkwell - post something up bro!
Maybe earth is not the center of Universe, but rust is!
Mona Lisa doing her best impression of Typhoid Mary!
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
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Ha! take that, Leonardo...
We'll get you rusty sooner or later AnnaMaria... it's just a matter of time and pixels...
I can tell you're starting to weaken already... look what happened to Randy...
That being said: I like it
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky