Need help on navigation menu
I have tried to find a way to accomplish following but not finding any success, I was wondering if anyone here can help. I appreciate all of you looking and try to help.
1. On my website navigation menu, I want "landscapes" not clickable. I want current behaviour remain as is which is upon pointing mouse over landscapes sub-menu pops up.
2. How do you create sub-link of a sub-link, for example on my website under landscapes I want to consolidate two gallery under one folder, I have tried that using test folder but galleries in folder does not drop down of popup upon pointing mouse, it is clickable but does not popup.
3. I don't want test folder not clickable as well, i want it to just popup with galleries in folder.
Thank you for your time and help, I truly appreciate it.
I have tried to find a way to accomplish following but not finding any success, I was wondering if anyone here can help. I appreciate all of you looking and try to help.
1. On my website navigation menu, I want "landscapes" not clickable. I want current behaviour remain as is which is upon pointing mouse over landscapes sub-menu pops up.
2. How do you create sub-link of a sub-link, for example on my website under landscapes I want to consolidate two gallery under one folder, I have tried that using test folder but galleries in folder does not drop down of popup upon pointing mouse, it is clickable but does not popup.
3. I don't want test folder not clickable as well, i want it to just popup with galleries in folder.
Thank you for your time and help, I truly appreciate it.
Is this correct in your current behavior: you added the folder link to the Navbar, and turned on "include sub-links"? If this is true, then instead:
For the folder link, turn off "include sub-links". Also change the folder link to "custom URL", and then leave the field blank. This will turn the title into non-clickable text.
Then, add each gallery one by one. Make a new link, find gallery, give it a title, and drag that link to under the folder link and move it to the right to indent it under the folder. This is give you the sublink behavior.
In the end the folder link itself will not be clickable but the galleries in it will.
Every time you add content to your site you would need to manually add the new gallery to the navbar.
As for #2, I am not sure what you are asking. You said "create sub-link of a sub-link", which to me looks like this - and yes, you can create this - you can move Gallery 2 and indent it to the right under Gallery 1.
But then you said, "under landscapes I want to consolidate two gallery under one folder", and I don't know what "consolidate" means.
Thank you for your response and help. It worked out, your guidance helped me with other things as well while clicking around and configuring site. Thank you.