
Display at a church bazaar.
Is this "Documentary" because I took it live at the Bazaar, or "Other Cool Shots", because of its composition and therefore somewhat artistic? Or neither?
C&C Welcome.
Is this "Documentary" because I took it live at the Bazaar, or "Other Cool Shots", because of its composition and therefore somewhat artistic? Or neither?
C&C Welcome.

On this one, I like these anthropomorphic concepts... I've done something similar at the fleamarket - but, to my eye, I'd like to see all or none of the pink one.
Also there is some haloing that is noticeable - not a big deal though.
Thanks much for your comments. Regarding haloing - the background was yellow so I reduced saturation. I will go back and see if I can work that out.
And the pink one - all or nothing - that is something I need to mull over. Not sure how I feel about it. Perhaps because of the guideline to form small groups in a triangle it kind of struck of me, even though only two are complete.
And anthropomorphic (having human characteristics) I hate to admit is not a concept I know well, but certainly need to have as part of my photog vocabulary. :ivar
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams